Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Going to be a slowing of posts...

While I'm not going to delete this blog entirely, my posting will be even less.  After some prayer and deliberation, I have decided to focus my attention on other priorities.  However, occasionally, as the mood strikes, I will post on here.  But for now, for awhile, there won't be much new stuff coming.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Our job is NOT...

To condemn.
To judge.
To hate.
To fear monger.
To point fingers.
To value us before others.
To look down upon.

Thankfully, we can relieve ourselves of all these burdens that we take upon ourselves.  These jobs are not, were not, meant for us.  And it is wrong for us to assume these tasks AS our jobs.

Again, thankfully, Jesus gave us our "instructions" our REAL jobs, and they are three, but one in the same. OUR job is:

1) To Love God.
2) To Love our neighbor.
3) To Love our enemy.

In short: Love.

That's all we need to do, that's all Jesus WANTS and EXPECTS us to do.