Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Draftsman or warrior...what's your view of God?

I just finished reading Greg Boyd's book Is God to Blame? Which deals with tough issues regarding suffering and free will and what God is doing/not doing in our lives.

Boyd argues most people have what's called a Blueprint view of God and the world.  Meaning, God has a grand plan and that we are can play a part in it.  And the horrors and suffering in the world are a part of that plan.

Like the tragic and sudden death of a loved one is "part of God's plan" or "will."

I have to admit that I subscribed to this viewpoint, at least in part - if not more.

Boyd, however, offers a different look at God.

Not as one pulling the strings, but as one offering an adventure...much like Eldredge believes.

Boyd offers us a Warrior God.

One that is is the midst of a battle of, yes, good vs. evil.

And, like it or not, we have roles to play - important roles...even dangerous roles.

While it's not a long book, it is a deep book and I will share some of it.  But to give it it's full due, I will do so in separate posts.

But before that, think a moment about how you view God.

Is he pulling the strings?
Is he just watching?
Is he waiting for us to screw up?
Is he calling us to ______?

What is your view?

1 comment:

  1. Good questions. I'm looking forward to your posts and may have to read this book.
