So what exactly does all this mean?
Well, for one it means that faith is tougher than we might have first thought - though we usually learn this an even harder way.
It also means that we are more important than we tend to give ourselves credit for. Yes we are to be humble, and serve, and not put ourselves first, but that doesn't mean we don't have a battle to fight!
God wants, dare I say NEEDS, our help - okay, so in the end he doesn't, but he does ask for our participation.
As my Grandpa would say: participate, don't be part of the problem.
Sometimes by sitting out, or staying away, or letting go and letting God we are inadvertently being part of the problem.
We aren't meant to sit this one out. We are in the game, we all have a role, a position to play.
Why is there suffering?
Because there are agents and people that are out to do evil - and succeed.
What can we do? We can fight back.
Our weapons?
Prayer and love.
I know, not the weapons I would chose either, but in all honesty they ARE the most effective. Perhaps not in the short run, but in the long run - in the run that counts - they are VERY effective.
They are the weapons Jesus used. And if they are good enough for him...
We want to be Rambo and mow down the bad guys one-arming an M-60...maybe that's just me...But that's not what we are asked to do. We are asked to do something much, much, MUCH more difficult - I think you know what that is.
And while this won't answer why anyone suffers for any specific reason, I hope that it gives you a bit broader perspective on God and why in general people suffer and how we can and do effect what happens in this world - maybe even the world to come.
Take care.
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