Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be - Max Lucado (Review)

“Perfect Gift For the Graduate.”

So says the circular sticker on the cover Max Lucado’s You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be. A book to inspire our youth as they enter the “real world.”

What, at first, reads as another trite, sugary, book with pretty and uplifting words grows into an insightful, yes inspiring, and even challenging book that would be a great gift “for all.”

As the titled hints at, this book isn’t about striving and achieving all your hopes and dreams. Rather, it goes one better. Max reminds us that God has “packed us” with a specific set of skills for a “specific purpose.”

While many of us may say that we believe that, so few of us actually put in the time and make the effort to discover what that purpose is. Therein lies the challenge.

Don’t let the size of the book fool you. Unlike other self-help, motivational type books, Max cuts the fat and other fluffy extras and gets to the meat of the matter quickly.

God designed each and every one of us specifically and uniquely - as Max puts it, “You-nique.” We are not mass produced. No one has our complete set of skills, likes, and passions. Those are our and ours alone.

But what to do with these gifts?

Ah, another challenge set forth by God that Max reminds us.

In short: change the world.


By being the best “us” we can be.

By sowing a seed and trusting God.

As Max puts it, “God inhabits the tiny seed, empowers the tiny deed.”

So, no Suzie, no Billy you can’t be ANYTHING you want to be, but you can be EVERYTHING God wants you to be.

Max Lucado reminds us how.
(as always, I have received a free copy of this book for review through Booksneeze.com.  This review is honest and my own, and was in no way influenced by anyone for any reason)

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