Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why Doesn't God Grow Back Limbs?

One form of recreation I have is listening to debates between atheists and Christians.

During such a debate, the atheist brought up miracles - rather, lack thereof - as disproof of God.  His main contention?  God must have something against people who lose their limbs.  After all, if God can heal a diseased person, why couldn't he just grow back a limb?  Especially one lost to war or other tragedy?

At first thought, it does seem to be a valid question...and a tough one to counter at that.  What is a limb compared to a disease?  Certainly he can do it, right?  After all he is all powerful!

Not to mention all the publicity God would get if someone actually DID have their arm grown back!  Think about it, an Iraq war vet who lost his/her leg via IED and glory of glories their leg grew back, thanks be to God!!!

So, why not then?

Seems reasonable doesn't it?  It did to the atheist.

Perhaps that's the problem though.  It "seems" reasonable.

Clearly we aren't the plum bob for reason, as humans.  Many bad things have been done in the name of "seemed reasonable at the time."

Do we truly think we are more reasoned than God?  Do we honestly think that if it were truly reasonable to do such a thing, God wouldn't?  Sure, at times we think we are more reasonable than God - we try to outsmart him with our reason.  Yet at the end of the day, if we are honest, we know better - reason isn't our strong suit.

So why might God not grow back a limb?  Especially one of a veteran. They would deserve it, right?

Let's get the deserve out of the way.  We deserve NOTHING.  None of us.  And no, not the vet.  Though while they may have served our country - are they any better than any of us who didn't?  Why would a vet be anymore important that a child who lost their leg?  And is that child any more important or special that the pastor who, too, lost their arm?

See where this is going?  We can all make a case for who would "deserve" this special healing.  However, none of us are truly deserving of anything, including the Grace that is given to us.  So what do we value more?  A leg, or Grace?

And that's the crux of the issue.

It doesn't come down to what God can/can't, will/won't do - it's our VALUE.

We VALUE the human BODY more than we should.  Take a look at the newsstand, or watch TV for five minutes, or checkout all the diet/fitness books at the store, or the porn industry - we are obsessed with our bodies.  To the point that we evidently see that someone without a leg, arm, all four limbs as such a less person we want God to "fix" them.

And that's the truth.  We honestly don't value human BEINGS as much as we do human BODIES.

We feel bad because someone doesn't have a leg...yet couldn't care less if they have something to eat, a good home to go to, a loving family, or just a friend...

The truth is: we want God to "fix" them so we don't have to be reminded about how obsessed we are with our BODIES.

Yet we are asking God help us in our obsession?

And a loving God would do as such?

If WE truly loved, honored, cherished, treasured the person - it won't matter what part/s of their body is missing or not working correctly.

Rather than seeing them as someone God could fix.

Is that how YOU would like to be looked at?

1 comment:

  1. Great perspective. You've hit the nail on the head; it's our values.
