So, as planned, I started the Bible again on Jan. 1st, 2010.
I am reading the KJV this time around. Last time I mainly read the NIV.
I wondered if there would be translation differences; right off the bat there were:
Gen: 3:1
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field...
First: yes that is how it's spelled in the Bible...a very archaic spelling, but meaning subtle. What I find interesting is that we are used to "more cunning." But I like subtle (or subtil) better as to be cunning, one must be subtle...and THAT part of the devil hasn't changed, has it?
If anything, the devil has become more and more subtle, to the point that he is almost ENTIRELY forgotten at the pulpit.
No warnings, no "be carefuls" nothing. Just you and your sin.
But if we read Gen. 3:1-6, we find that the nasty ol' devil got Eve to eat the apple. Many argue this as THE original sin, yet the devil is the one that sinned first - as to cause one to sin, is itself a sin.
In fact, that passage is more important that just original sin, but that's a whole other theological can of I'll digress.
The point is, the devil is subtle (despite how you decide to spell it) and we must be sure to be on our guard.
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