Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who are the Least?

Matthew 25:40 (NIV)
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Who is the "least of these?"

Back then, people had value place upon them - rightly or wrongly - didn't matter.  You were a leper, you were "unclean" for example.  Unclean, such a nice word for: worthless.

Sadly, when I have read that verse in the past I immediately thought of: the homeless, the drug addicts, the "really bad" sinners of the world.  Of course, Jesus would consider them the "least" of his brothers, right?

Before I yell out YES! and pat myself on the back, I think I need to take a step back for a second.

This "value" that had been placed on people then were values placed on them by man - not by God.  When God chose the Jewish people to be his priests to the world, he didn't do so because they were better or more valued...they were just a people...God chose an ordinary, regular, group of people to display what would be his love for the world.

Needless to say they didn't do the best of jobs...neither to we now!

We certainly can't do a better job if we still consider people to be "least" of Jesus' brethren.  Remember, he said the last shall be first and the first shall be last.

Now, some people take that literally...but how could it be?  That would mean there are still values to people that God place upon them...but does he?

That certainly isn't what Jesus preached.  One thing that Jesus preached is that we are no better than anyone else...nor are we any God we are all equal.  (though how Jesus preached this has been a bit distorted)

There is no first, there is no last, there is no middle...there is no "least."

So I must change my thinking.  When I feed the homeless, they are not the "least" of anything.  I am no better than they are.  I have no more value to God then them.  Nor are they any less of a value to God.

When I feed the homeless, I'm feeding Jesus' brothers and sisters...your brothers and brothers and sisters.

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