Well, perhaps I'm opening a larger can of worms that I first thought. But I got to thinking about my posts and figured, at least, I should make one more comment - and then leave it at that, for now.
I did pick myself up a KJ (King James) yesterday for 2 bucks! It isn't the KJ that I wanted, but the price was right. It has very small print and is THREE columns wide, instead of the usual two. Ouch!
Okay, why the questions about the different versions? See post below about Galatians.
In my collections of Bibles, a KJ bible was not in my stack, so I picked one up.
My advice about WHICH Bible would be this: READ one version. STUDY with others.
Is your salvation dependent upon it? Nope.
See Galatians 2:16 KJ. Our being saved is through Christ's faith.
But, read, study, look, question...God wants you to!
(quick note about Gnostic Bibles, etc... I believe it would be a waste of time to read those Bible to learn anything - entertainment? Sure, knock yourself out. But as for the validity of those Bibles. Well, there are far more intelligent people who could tell you why those books really have no ground to stand upon. So I won't even bother with it here - just this: the Gnostic Gospels were written between the 2nd-4th century. Yes, that means HUNDREDS of years AFTER Jesus' death. HUNDREDS of years after the Gospels and letters that make up the NT we know today)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Bible...to read or not to read...
Through talks with friends and family (okay just family) about the Bible talk always turns to reading the Bible - mainly, reading the Bible front to back. The WHOLE thing...word for "begatting" word.
While I root and will encourage ANYONE who wants to take on that challenge, I have a few thoughts I would like to share:
(note: I am writing here about reading the Bible front to back all the way through...NOT studying the Bible and learning from it, but reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation)
First off. Don't read the Bible because you THINK you should. Read it, because you WANT to. By want to, I mean that this is a goal, a challenge you have always wanted to do...not because a pastor in a pulpit said you should.
If you don't want to read the Bible front to back...then don't! You don't HAVE TO read the entire Bible.
(bet you won't hear that from the pulpit!)
But really, if you don't want to - DON'T!
1) if you read it with a HAVE TO mentality you will do it grudgingly and thus might miss out on some things, or worse start to resent a God that would REQUIRE you to do so. No where in the Bible does it say you HAVE TO read your Bible.
2) There's nothing in the Bible that God can't teach you in some other way. So you might not know all the books of the Bible ( I don't!). You might not remember which King was which or who was on first. (neither do a lot of people). It's a big book, there's A TON of stuff in there...I bet I remember less than 10 percent of what I read.
3) There will be no Bible Trivia in heaven...so don't worry about it down here.
4) There's enough people out there who have read the Bible and studied it and you can learn through them.
Okay, so are there reasons TO read the Bible?
You bet!
1) Reading the Bible straight through OT to NT - things are put into perspective. I learned quite a bit that I never was taught, or that wasn't taught clearly.
2) It's God's word. Many people distort it and get away with distorting it because most of us don't read the Bible. Thus reading the Bible will allow you to notice those distortions. ( I would list a couple here, but that would take away from my original message here, so maybe later I will)
3) Bragging Rights! You get to say you read the ENTIRE Bible...of course there is no fanfare when your done, nor do you get a personal call from God saying congrats - at least I didn't. If you do, let me know how it goes!
I read the Bible more as a challenge to myself, not even necessarily to "learn" anything...though I did learn along the way.
But that being said (as I am rambling here) I am going to start the Bible over again starting the 1st of Jan.
If you decide reading the entire Bible is a journey you wish to partake in here are a couple things I would like to share with you.
1) read with an open mind...there are some things you might have been taught along the way that might not be entirely correct. So read with fresh, open eyes...or as best you can.
2) Yes, there are some tough - dare I say boring - parts. Parts that are just a drag to read. (if anyone ever tells you they LOVE every word of the Bible, slap them, they are LYING - ask them which verse in Numbers is their favorite. Or Chronicles.)
1 Chronicles 3:4 "These six were born unto him in Hebron; and there he reigned seven years and six months: and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years." - Like honey in my mouth.
Seriously, there are some rough parts in the Bible...don't worry about it, just plug away. Believe me, God understands.
3) If you don't understand, don't worry. There's a lot that goes on in the Bible - if you don't get why the Jews are doing this that or the other thing...don't worry about it, just keep reading. Many times, as you read, things will start to make sense. Plus, if you get bogged down into trying to figure it all out, you'll never get through it all. You now where Hebron is? Neither do I...it's part of history, but it isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things...just read on.
4) Remember, there is no test at the end...don't try to memorize it all, just read it as you would read any other book - and if angles don't come through your ceiling as you read and your heart isn't lifted to the heavens and you are not engulfed in the glory of God as you read - don't worry. I wasn't either. In fact, don't count on any AWESOME spiritual event to happen. Most likely it won't.
And that's OKAY!
(if it happens to, however, let me know!)
So there it is.
I encourage anyone who wants to read the Bible to do so, and I will cheer you on (especially through the tough parts) all the way to the end.
Happy New Year!
While I root and will encourage ANYONE who wants to take on that challenge, I have a few thoughts I would like to share:
(note: I am writing here about reading the Bible front to back all the way through...NOT studying the Bible and learning from it, but reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation)
First off. Don't read the Bible because you THINK you should. Read it, because you WANT to. By want to, I mean that this is a goal, a challenge you have always wanted to do...not because a pastor in a pulpit said you should.
If you don't want to read the Bible front to back...then don't! You don't HAVE TO read the entire Bible.
(bet you won't hear that from the pulpit!)
But really, if you don't want to - DON'T!
1) if you read it with a HAVE TO mentality you will do it grudgingly and thus might miss out on some things, or worse start to resent a God that would REQUIRE you to do so. No where in the Bible does it say you HAVE TO read your Bible.
2) There's nothing in the Bible that God can't teach you in some other way. So you might not know all the books of the Bible ( I don't!). You might not remember which King was which or who was on first. (neither do a lot of people). It's a big book, there's A TON of stuff in there...I bet I remember less than 10 percent of what I read.
3) There will be no Bible Trivia in heaven...so don't worry about it down here.
4) There's enough people out there who have read the Bible and studied it and you can learn through them.
Okay, so are there reasons TO read the Bible?
You bet!
1) Reading the Bible straight through OT to NT - things are put into perspective. I learned quite a bit that I never was taught, or that wasn't taught clearly.
2) It's God's word. Many people distort it and get away with distorting it because most of us don't read the Bible. Thus reading the Bible will allow you to notice those distortions. ( I would list a couple here, but that would take away from my original message here, so maybe later I will)
3) Bragging Rights! You get to say you read the ENTIRE Bible...of course there is no fanfare when your done, nor do you get a personal call from God saying congrats - at least I didn't. If you do, let me know how it goes!
I read the Bible more as a challenge to myself, not even necessarily to "learn" anything...though I did learn along the way.
But that being said (as I am rambling here) I am going to start the Bible over again starting the 1st of Jan.
If you decide reading the entire Bible is a journey you wish to partake in here are a couple things I would like to share with you.
1) read with an open mind...there are some things you might have been taught along the way that might not be entirely correct. So read with fresh, open eyes...or as best you can.
2) Yes, there are some tough - dare I say boring - parts. Parts that are just a drag to read. (if anyone ever tells you they LOVE every word of the Bible, slap them, they are LYING - ask them which verse in Numbers is their favorite. Or Chronicles.)
1 Chronicles 3:4 "These six were born unto him in Hebron; and there he reigned seven years and six months: and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years." - Like honey in my mouth.
Seriously, there are some rough parts in the Bible...don't worry about it, just plug away. Believe me, God understands.
3) If you don't understand, don't worry. There's a lot that goes on in the Bible - if you don't get why the Jews are doing this that or the other thing...don't worry about it, just keep reading. Many times, as you read, things will start to make sense. Plus, if you get bogged down into trying to figure it all out, you'll never get through it all. You now where Hebron is? Neither do I...it's part of history, but it isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things...just read on.
4) Remember, there is no test at the end...don't try to memorize it all, just read it as you would read any other book - and if angles don't come through your ceiling as you read and your heart isn't lifted to the heavens and you are not engulfed in the glory of God as you read - don't worry. I wasn't either. In fact, don't count on any AWESOME spiritual event to happen. Most likely it won't.
And that's OKAY!
(if it happens to, however, let me know!)
So there it is.
I encourage anyone who wants to read the Bible to do so, and I will cheer you on (especially through the tough parts) all the way to the end.
Happy New Year!
2010 The New Journey...
I say "New" rather than "another." As each journey should be new, should help (if not force) us to grow. Plus, "another" sounds...burdensome.
Let's also forget about "resolutions." Resolutions are dumb little areas that we think we need to change, because, well, we THINK we need to change in these areas. Maybe we do, but putting effort into the change usually results in failure and disappointment. And some things we think we have to change we really don't. We might think so because "others" tell us we do, but we are each different, unique people...how dare we think we should all be the same. Besides, it usually isn't WHAT that needs to be changed, but the HOW.
(for instance: you fly off the handle quickly? Cry at the drop of a hat? Get angry at small things? You are passionate! Just need to harness it, not change it! Use your passion for good!)
Instead, of making a resolution, let's go on a journey.
A journey has things we WANT to do, because they are fun, because they are exciting! (besides, I've never heard someone going on a journey to CHANGE themselves...though they usually do come back changed)
And that's what will happen. We will change, but without effort - and we will have more fun with it!
Believe it or not, but God does want us to have fun! It is not selfish to have fun, to enjoy...what is selfish is not helping others have fun, or endure a little less pain when we have the ability to do so. (it's also selfish too, if it causes problems in other areas of our lives)
Of course, we WILL want to help others if we are enduring a little less pain ourselves.
So this year, pick a bunch of things you WANT to do, WANT to try, WANT to experience...we only get one ride on this planet, so start enjoying it a bit.
But don't forget to make the ride a bit more enjoyable for others as well...
Let's also forget about "resolutions." Resolutions are dumb little areas that we think we need to change, because, well, we THINK we need to change in these areas. Maybe we do, but putting effort into the change usually results in failure and disappointment. And some things we think we have to change we really don't. We might think so because "others" tell us we do, but we are each different, unique people...how dare we think we should all be the same. Besides, it usually isn't WHAT that needs to be changed, but the HOW.
(for instance: you fly off the handle quickly? Cry at the drop of a hat? Get angry at small things? You are passionate! Just need to harness it, not change it! Use your passion for good!)
Instead, of making a resolution, let's go on a journey.
A journey has things we WANT to do, because they are fun, because they are exciting! (besides, I've never heard someone going on a journey to CHANGE themselves...though they usually do come back changed)
And that's what will happen. We will change, but without effort - and we will have more fun with it!
Believe it or not, but God does want us to have fun! It is not selfish to have fun, to enjoy...what is selfish is not helping others have fun, or endure a little less pain when we have the ability to do so. (it's also selfish too, if it causes problems in other areas of our lives)
Of course, we WILL want to help others if we are enduring a little less pain ourselves.
So this year, pick a bunch of things you WANT to do, WANT to try, WANT to experience...we only get one ride on this planet, so start enjoying it a bit.
But don't forget to make the ride a bit more enjoyable for others as well...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
"Of" vs. "In"
I truly do not like to discuss these finer points of the Bible, as I myself have no clue about the Greek and translations, etc...but this something came to my attention yesterday and well, I thought I would share it...
I myself have several Bibles (different versions: NKJV, NIV, NLT, Good News Bible, and a Children's Bible, American Standard [which I call a "thumper" because it looks like one you'd thump people with or exorcise demons with], the "Unvarnished Gospels" and "Sacred Documents" [including apocrypha] and I think that's it)
Anyway, I have read these (not all of them in their entirety) but at several times for several reasons...
I know there are varying translations of texts and there are valid arguments regarding these translations, yet most really DON'T change much, just give a different perspective.
I heard on a program by Pastor Ron Knight of Twin Cities Grace Fellowship Church yesterday about versions of the Bible and how he believes that the King James is the "true word of God." and that the others are "wrong" or (in my words) fall short as they demean the divinity, and faith, of Jesus.
Now comes the messy part: His reasoning is because of Galatians 2:16.
The word "of" is the messy part. ...but by the faith OF Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ
Other translations say: ...but by the faith IN Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ.
(Caps and Color mine)
Pastor Knight points out that this "subtle" difference is huge as Jesus' faith is more important than ours.
I can see that point.
If our justification and salvation was hinging upon our faith, well our faith wavers, falters, is not perfect...hence our justification and salvation would be "imperfect" as well.
Yet, Jesus' faith WAS perfect. It was his faith in what God's plan was that he submitted to the death on the cross for us. Faith that God would do what God promised and planned to do.
Jesus was perfect in every way ESPECIALLY in his faith.
Without HIS faith, well...what would be the point?
Jesus fulfilled the mandate by God, not us. Certainly not OUR faith. Yes, we have faith IN Jesus as well, but OUR FAITH can't justify us either as our faith is not perfect. Jesus' faith, however, is.
For without Jesus' faith, our faith is worthless.
At least that's what I understand his argument to be. Again, I can see his point, and it makes sense.
Here's another area to look at the translation issue if you'd like: Galatians Translation Issue
(you can do a google search as well, if you'd really like to get into some murky water)
I don't usually get caught up in such things, but this does seem to me to be a fairly big issue regarding translations. It certainly IS a can of worms that I don't believe I am qualified to really open, so I'm just taking a peek at it here.
I myself have several Bibles (different versions: NKJV, NIV, NLT, Good News Bible, and a Children's Bible, American Standard [which I call a "thumper" because it looks like one you'd thump people with or exorcise demons with], the "Unvarnished Gospels" and "Sacred Documents" [including apocrypha] and I think that's it)
Anyway, I have read these (not all of them in their entirety) but at several times for several reasons...
I know there are varying translations of texts and there are valid arguments regarding these translations, yet most really DON'T change much, just give a different perspective.
I heard on a program by Pastor Ron Knight of Twin Cities Grace Fellowship Church yesterday about versions of the Bible and how he believes that the King James is the "true word of God." and that the others are "wrong" or (in my words) fall short as they demean the divinity, and faith, of Jesus.
Now comes the messy part: His reasoning is because of Galatians 2:16.
The word "of" is the messy part. ...but by the faith OF Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ
Other translations say: ...but by the faith IN Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ.
(Caps and Color mine)
Pastor Knight points out that this "subtle" difference is huge as Jesus' faith is more important than ours.
I can see that point.
If our justification and salvation was hinging upon our faith, well our faith wavers, falters, is not perfect...hence our justification and salvation would be "imperfect" as well.
Yet, Jesus' faith WAS perfect. It was his faith in what God's plan was that he submitted to the death on the cross for us. Faith that God would do what God promised and planned to do.
Jesus was perfect in every way ESPECIALLY in his faith.
Without HIS faith, well...what would be the point?
Jesus fulfilled the mandate by God, not us. Certainly not OUR faith. Yes, we have faith IN Jesus as well, but OUR FAITH can't justify us either as our faith is not perfect. Jesus' faith, however, is.
For without Jesus' faith, our faith is worthless.
At least that's what I understand his argument to be. Again, I can see his point, and it makes sense.
Here's another area to look at the translation issue if you'd like: Galatians Translation Issue
(you can do a google search as well, if you'd really like to get into some murky water)
I don't usually get caught up in such things, but this does seem to me to be a fairly big issue regarding translations. It certainly IS a can of worms that I don't believe I am qualified to really open, so I'm just taking a peek at it here.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday Morning Musing
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Careful what you wish for...it WILL be a very white Christmas.
get the latest here:
Christmas Blizzard, 2009
get the latest here:
Christmas Blizzard, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
First Cup
Saturday, December 19, 2009
First Cup
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Billy Graham vs. The Devil
How many times when you went to church for your Christmas service did you hear the devil mentioned...by name even? (as Billy Graham does in the video below)
I can't remember any...
That is one thing that certainly is missing from the pulpit - the devil. (sometimes he gets a passing mention)
Oh, I suppose it is a bit silly, right? The devil. Really? C'mon, no way. That's kids stuff.
Do you believe in Good and Evil? If so, where do you think evil comes from? Just us and our sinful nature?
(Sinful nature is a whole other topic that we'll come back to.)
Throughout his book Billy (can I call him Billy?) spoke about being attacked by the devil, being tripped up, or discovering obstacles in his way, put there by the devil. Oh, the devil didn't win against Billy...if it wasn't for Billy's faith and trust in God and (as he admits) the others in the ministry who picked him up when he was down, and helped him stand when he wanted to sit, the devil might have won.
Billy talked about the devil. Spoke about the devil. Brought the devil into the light!
NO WONDER he was attacked. (Billy never fully went into details how the devil attacked him, but personally, I have felt a few attacks and can only imagine what Mr. Graham had gone through)
Sure, even now, I "Feel" silly even writing out the name...why is that? If I believe in God, is it so hard to believe in Satan?
For one, because we hardly talk about him anymore. Which is the worst thing we could do. It easy to forget about him because, well, he hides in the shadows...out of sight, out of mind - which is just where he wants to be.
The devil doesn't shout, like God he whispers...of course he says VERY VERY different things. The devil's best trick, is to make you think YOU thought of it. "It" being whatever sin he wants you to do.
The devil's other good trick...the sin is usually something small. He won't throw you into the deep end until you learn how to at least doggy-paddle.
That's where Jesus comes in.
The devil might get you to sin, ever now and again - and he will, we don't need to be burdened by it. We don't need to be a slave to it. We have a way of "noticing" it and seeing it and knowing that it isn't US that is feeling and thinking that way, but the great deceiver.
We need more and more like Billy to bring the devil out into the light...to show him...to reveal him.
The devils more than just a boogeyman or a monster under your bed that you grow to forget about. The devil is real...but he'd rather you not think of him. And if you don't want to feel his attacks, do just that! Forget about him and you'll never notice him.
But you will notice something...something won't be right...but the devil will help you find a way to forget about it - tv, beer, food, clothing, new fancy gadgets...YAY! (no, in and of themselves each item is NOT bad, but they are if we over indulge in them)
Do you, even now, get the thought "geez, that is the dumbest thing I ever heard...the devil. Ha!"
Me too.
Wonder why?
I can't remember any...
That is one thing that certainly is missing from the pulpit - the devil. (sometimes he gets a passing mention)
Oh, I suppose it is a bit silly, right? The devil. Really? C'mon, no way. That's kids stuff.
Do you believe in Good and Evil? If so, where do you think evil comes from? Just us and our sinful nature?
(Sinful nature is a whole other topic that we'll come back to.)
Throughout his book Billy (can I call him Billy?) spoke about being attacked by the devil, being tripped up, or discovering obstacles in his way, put there by the devil. Oh, the devil didn't win against Billy...if it wasn't for Billy's faith and trust in God and (as he admits) the others in the ministry who picked him up when he was down, and helped him stand when he wanted to sit, the devil might have won.
Billy talked about the devil. Spoke about the devil. Brought the devil into the light!
NO WONDER he was attacked. (Billy never fully went into details how the devil attacked him, but personally, I have felt a few attacks and can only imagine what Mr. Graham had gone through)
Sure, even now, I "Feel" silly even writing out the name...why is that? If I believe in God, is it so hard to believe in Satan?
For one, because we hardly talk about him anymore. Which is the worst thing we could do. It easy to forget about him because, well, he hides in the shadows...out of sight, out of mind - which is just where he wants to be.
The devil doesn't shout, like God he whispers...of course he says VERY VERY different things. The devil's best trick, is to make you think YOU thought of it. "It" being whatever sin he wants you to do.
The devil's other good trick...the sin is usually something small. He won't throw you into the deep end until you learn how to at least doggy-paddle.
That's where Jesus comes in.
The devil might get you to sin, ever now and again - and he will, we don't need to be burdened by it. We don't need to be a slave to it. We have a way of "noticing" it and seeing it and knowing that it isn't US that is feeling and thinking that way, but the great deceiver.
We need more and more like Billy to bring the devil out into the light...to show him...to reveal him.
The devils more than just a boogeyman or a monster under your bed that you grow to forget about. The devil is real...but he'd rather you not think of him. And if you don't want to feel his attacks, do just that! Forget about him and you'll never notice him.
But you will notice something...something won't be right...but the devil will help you find a way to forget about it - tv, beer, food, clothing, new fancy gadgets...YAY! (no, in and of themselves each item is NOT bad, but they are if we over indulge in them)
Do you, even now, get the thought "geez, that is the dumbest thing I ever heard...the devil. Ha!"
Me too.
Wonder why?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Are you a Grinch?
How The Grinch Stole Christmas
by Dr. Suess
Every Who Down in Who-villeLiked Christmas a lot...
But the Grinch,Who lived just North of Who-ville,Did NOT!
The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
But,Whatever the reason,His heart or his shoes,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Whos,
Staring down from his cave with a sour, Grinchy frown
At the warm lighted windows below in their town.
For he knew every Who down in Who-ville beneath
Was busy now, hanging a mistleoe wreath.
"And they're hanging their stockings!" he snarled with a sneer.
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
Then he growled, with his grinch fingers nervously drumming,
"I MUST find a way to keep Christmas from coming!"
For, tomorrow, he knew...
...All the Who girls and boys
would wake up bright and early. They'd rush for their toys!
And then! Oh, the noise!
Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!
That's one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!
Who doesn't love this story?
While I bet that few of us would claim, or admit that we are a Grinch, I know at times I can be "Grinchy."
Yesterday I was a bit Grinchy, saying Grinchy things at the other drivers: as clearly their minds weren't on driving.
It's during this time, that I usually refrain from going to malls. I used to love going to the malls because they were all decorated up and music was piped in and there was a feeling of Christmas. I didn't care if I was buying something or not, there was a just a feeling to GIVE that came over me, to make others happy.
Now? Now, there are moments, I just want to hole up and wait for this thing to blow over.
Where has that feeling gone?
As we get older physically do we need to get older mentally?
Jesus didn't think so.
In Matthew 18:3 he tells us we should stay like children spiritually.
Yes, things can be overbearing. NOISE NOISE NOISE!
But it isn't the NOISE that's getting to us, it's that we are an "adult." I would argue that being an adult during Christmas is the same as being The Grinch.
by Dr. Suess
Every Who Down in Who-villeLiked Christmas a lot...
But the Grinch,Who lived just North of Who-ville,Did NOT!
The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
But,Whatever the reason,His heart or his shoes,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Whos,
Staring down from his cave with a sour, Grinchy frown
At the warm lighted windows below in their town.
For he knew every Who down in Who-ville beneath
Was busy now, hanging a mistleoe wreath.
"And they're hanging their stockings!" he snarled with a sneer.
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
Then he growled, with his grinch fingers nervously drumming,
"I MUST find a way to keep Christmas from coming!"
For, tomorrow, he knew...
...All the Who girls and boys
would wake up bright and early. They'd rush for their toys!
And then! Oh, the noise!
Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!
That's one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!
Who doesn't love this story?
While I bet that few of us would claim, or admit that we are a Grinch, I know at times I can be "Grinchy."
Yesterday I was a bit Grinchy, saying Grinchy things at the other drivers: as clearly their minds weren't on driving.
It's during this time, that I usually refrain from going to malls. I used to love going to the malls because they were all decorated up and music was piped in and there was a feeling of Christmas. I didn't care if I was buying something or not, there was a just a feeling to GIVE that came over me, to make others happy.
Now? Now, there are moments, I just want to hole up and wait for this thing to blow over.
Where has that feeling gone?
As we get older physically do we need to get older mentally?
Jesus didn't think so.
In Matthew 18:3 he tells us we should stay like children spiritually.
Yes, things can be overbearing. NOISE NOISE NOISE!
But it isn't the NOISE that's getting to us, it's that we are an "adult." I would argue that being an adult during Christmas is the same as being The Grinch.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
First Cup
Thursday, December 10, 2009
First Cup

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
-- Leo Buscaglia
-- Leo Buscaglia
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
When Faith Takes Flight
Thanks to Mom, I have been reading our new friends books "When Faith Takes Flight."
Jim's, rather Mr. Walter's, book is not so much theology or theory as just some good practical teaching. I would say, it's a great book for new believers especially, but there are some good points for believers or all levels!
I am going through it a second time as is my new found habit for these types of readings.
But I must say, it would be worth picking up a copy (link to the right) as a gift or for yourself...no I have not found it at Half Price Books yet...need to get more readers on this one!
Jim, er Mr. Walters, has a nice writing style too. Easy, not all high and mighty, you kind of feel like he's just sitting there talking to you...I like that type of style. I'm not one for fancy words, or a lot of words to say a little - this post a perfect example!
Jim's, rather Mr. Walter's, book is not so much theology or theory as just some good practical teaching. I would say, it's a great book for new believers especially, but there are some good points for believers or all levels!
I am going through it a second time as is my new found habit for these types of readings.
But I must say, it would be worth picking up a copy (link to the right) as a gift or for yourself...no I have not found it at Half Price Books yet...need to get more readers on this one!
Jim, er Mr. Walters, has a nice writing style too. Easy, not all high and mighty, you kind of feel like he's just sitting there talking to you...I like that type of style. I'm not one for fancy words, or a lot of words to say a little - this post a perfect example!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Family Place
Two things got me thinking today.
1) At work, there was a bunch of left over loaves of bread. From what I could gather a staff's church had extra bread and this staff brought it to the office for people to grab.
- Now, I'm kicking myself for not grabbing it. Especially now days you see many people needing something to eat...this bread might have helped out in some way.
2) I got a mailer from The Family Place.
The Family Place is Ramsey County's ONLY day shelter for homeless families with children.
Check them out...
1) At work, there was a bunch of left over loaves of bread. From what I could gather a staff's church had extra bread and this staff brought it to the office for people to grab.
- Now, I'm kicking myself for not grabbing it. Especially now days you see many people needing something to eat...this bread might have helped out in some way.
2) I got a mailer from The Family Place.
The Family Place is Ramsey County's ONLY day shelter for homeless families with children.
Check them out...
Monday, December 7, 2009
What's Your "One?"
To make a difference in the world does not take much, but it does take action. We are all given (blessed) with certain skills, aptitudes, abilities, etc. both physical and emotional - as in some people are born leaders, others are more behind the scenes.
We each have "one thing" we can use for God, to work things for good.
Romans 12:6-8 points this out.
Not everyone has the same gifts, abilities, etc.
Some teach that we must go out and be evangelists, to open air preach, or hand out tracts.
If you don't feel you are called to stand on a street corner and open air preach...then don't.
Find your own gift, your own calling. You will be far more effective.
Example: A hand does not make a good ear.
Don't worry, others will be called to stand on the street corner, to hand out tracts...while not being called to other areas. Pray for them and give support when possible.
All gifts are well and good as God will use them - if we let him.
Not sure what your "one thing" is? Chances are you do, but don't believe it. What are your strengths? What are you drawn to: creatively, socially, emotionally...and of course if you are still not sure: ask God.
What I think we really struggle with, is not WHAT our "one thing" is, but HOW are we to use it.
Again: ask God. He'll make sure you recognize those situations and openings when they present themselves. Be ready...and if you miss out on one, don't sweat it, there will be many more chances.
Above all: don't feel bad, or guilty, or "wrong" if your gift is not so overt as others might be...All are equal in value to and for God.
We each have "one thing" we can use for God, to work things for good.
Romans 12:6-8 points this out.
Not everyone has the same gifts, abilities, etc.
Some teach that we must go out and be evangelists, to open air preach, or hand out tracts.
If you don't feel you are called to stand on a street corner and open air preach...then don't.
Find your own gift, your own calling. You will be far more effective.
Example: A hand does not make a good ear.
Don't worry, others will be called to stand on the street corner, to hand out tracts...while not being called to other areas. Pray for them and give support when possible.
All gifts are well and good as God will use them - if we let him.
Not sure what your "one thing" is? Chances are you do, but don't believe it. What are your strengths? What are you drawn to: creatively, socially, emotionally...and of course if you are still not sure: ask God.
What I think we really struggle with, is not WHAT our "one thing" is, but HOW are we to use it.
Again: ask God. He'll make sure you recognize those situations and openings when they present themselves. Be ready...and if you miss out on one, don't sweat it, there will be many more chances.
Above all: don't feel bad, or guilty, or "wrong" if your gift is not so overt as others might be...All are equal in value to and for God.
First Cup
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thankful for those First Cups
It has been a busy week and I haven't been able to post as much as I would have liked to. Thanks again to Sandy for providing us with those "First Cups" to keep the blog fresh and inspiring!
First Cup

There is nothing, indeed, which God will not do for a man who dares to step out upon what seems to be the mist; though as he puts his foot down he finds a rock beneath him. -- F. B. Meyer
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Church of 2020...
No, this isn’t the name of our new church…hmmm.
Rather, it was a “blessing” if you will, an encouraging word, from an encouraging e-mail that I received from Pastor Jim Walters of Bear Valley Church.
(yes, THAT Bear Valley Church)
His email was in response to one I sent him. I won’t put the whole email here, but he did take quite a bit of time and effort in his reply to my question.
He spoke about the church of the future – the Church of 2020.
In this church:
“a) NO audience at all. People will gather in the round, likely in groups of under 20, and each person will bring a word, song, prayer, idea, teaching, something.
b) attending will be an "active experience of participation," not a "passive attendance at some event". People will hear something (a message, a song, scripture, prayer) but also see something, DO something, SAY something, touch something (another person, or an object that's used as a prop, or modeling clay, or paintbrush, food, Lord's Supper elements) but you get the idea: come to church 2020 and DO things: talk, touch, eat, paint, sing, model clay, cook, clean, teach, play... don't just sit.
c) this new church may gather one Fri nite a month, at some retreat place, and stay til Sunday noon. They may only meet once a month other than in small groups.
d) this new thing won't need a bldg, or a budget, or a big paid staff. They will give most of the offerings to the poor, or to missions, or to a member in need.
e) likely won't even be incorporated. Might be incorporated as a non profit. (By the way, if you do write some by laws and some articles of faith, and file them w/ sec of state in your state, you'll be a non profit. You do not have to file with IRS to get non profit/ tax exempt status, churches have it automatically"
In short, what the church of 2020 will be, is a Fellowship…a true Fellowship.
Rather, it was a “blessing” if you will, an encouraging word, from an encouraging e-mail that I received from Pastor Jim Walters of Bear Valley Church.
(yes, THAT Bear Valley Church)
His email was in response to one I sent him. I won’t put the whole email here, but he did take quite a bit of time and effort in his reply to my question.
He spoke about the church of the future – the Church of 2020.
In this church:
“a) NO audience at all. People will gather in the round, likely in groups of under 20, and each person will bring a word, song, prayer, idea, teaching, something.
b) attending will be an "active experience of participation," not a "passive attendance at some event". People will hear something (a message, a song, scripture, prayer) but also see something, DO something, SAY something, touch something (another person, or an object that's used as a prop, or modeling clay, or paintbrush, food, Lord's Supper elements) but you get the idea: come to church 2020 and DO things: talk, touch, eat, paint, sing, model clay, cook, clean, teach, play... don't just sit.
c) this new church may gather one Fri nite a month, at some retreat place, and stay til Sunday noon. They may only meet once a month other than in small groups.
d) this new thing won't need a bldg, or a budget, or a big paid staff. They will give most of the offerings to the poor, or to missions, or to a member in need.
e) likely won't even be incorporated. Might be incorporated as a non profit. (By the way, if you do write some by laws and some articles of faith, and file them w/ sec of state in your state, you'll be a non profit. You do not have to file with IRS to get non profit/ tax exempt status, churches have it automatically"
In short, what the church of 2020 will be, is a Fellowship…a true Fellowship.
First Cup

"The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway." -- Kent M. Keith
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Advent - While we wait!
A simple, yet meaningful Advent calendar is to simply read one chapter of the book of Luke each day. There are 24 chapters in Luke so beginning today – December 1 – you will have one chapter a day to read through Christmas Eve.
For each chapter select one verse that seems to reach you during your reading and write in down - maybe in an Advent notebook. It might be interesting to see what 24 verses you carry with you to December 25th.
For each chapter select one verse that seems to reach you during your reading and write in down - maybe in an Advent notebook. It might be interesting to see what 24 verses you carry with you to December 25th.
A B-I-G "Thank You!"
Goes out to Sandy at http://grandmasplace.com/ for her creative and spiritual touch to the blog!
“First Cup” is no doubt, just a sample of what is to come!
It should provide for much needed daily content and, more importantly, inspiration.
Thank you again!
Love Chris
“First Cup” is no doubt, just a sample of what is to come!
It should provide for much needed daily content and, more importantly, inspiration.
Thank you again!
Love Chris
First Cup

"Envy consists in seeing things never in themselves, but only in their relations. If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon, but Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander,and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed." -- Bertrand Russell
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