Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When Faith Takes Flight

Thanks to Mom, I have been reading our new friends books "When Faith Takes Flight."

Jim's, rather Mr. Walter's, book is not so much theology or theory as just some good practical teaching. I would say, it's a great book for new believers especially, but there are some good points for believers or all levels!

I am going through it a second time as is my new found habit for these types of readings.

But I must say, it would be worth picking up a copy (link to the right) as a gift or for I have not found it at Half Price Books yet...need to get more readers on this one!

Jim, er Mr. Walters, has a nice writing style too. Easy, not all high and mighty, you kind of feel like he's just sitting there talking to you...I like that type of style. I'm not one for fancy words, or a lot of words to say a little - this post a perfect example!

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