Wednesday, December 18, 2013
I wrote a book!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
But what am I doing?
Sure, I work with a group of people and do a monthly serving to those in need. We provide food, clothing, care kits, etc...
When I remember to do so, I hand out McDonald's gift cards to those on the corner flying the sign. Or 20 bucks, which I was called to do recently.
But is that all I can do?
Short answer is: no.
But there's a difference of what we can/should and are called to do. We can all do the SAME thing, but that doesn't mean we are supposed to. We are all called to something, and not always is that "something" the same as what others are doing.
The group of people that I work with that do a monthly serving to those in need - that's what we are currently called to do. Maybe this is all we will be called to do, I don't know. Maybe we will expand or grow in ways I can't foresee right now, but we know what we can do RIGHT NOW.
So what are we doing?
A couple things.
While we aren't "religious," that is while most of us are Christian that has never been criteria for what we do or people to help what we do, we are Christian. We are trying to love as Jesus loves. All who come to us get help, that we can provide.
We aren't the best at what we do, there are other organizations that do what we do better...but that's okay and that should spur others on. Anyone can share God's love in any number of ways. If we can, you can.
And sure, some days, you'll think "what am I doing?" because you won't see what you have done or know that you have really made a difference. But when you need it most, God will show you what exactly you are doing.
And no, not everyone you meet will be on the same page as you. And that's fine. God will find a way to use them too, if they are willing.
Honestly, I just want people to know - if you feel a passion toward something that you want to do: do it. God is with you in it. It might not be big or get noticed. We aren't and haven't and we have served for over three years!
But God notices and those whom we help notice too!
Some servings go better than others...but we never regret doing it.
So what are we doing?
We are best we can.
Can we do better? Of course! But that's part of why we keep doing what we learn to love how Jesus loves.
No, we won't always see or know if we have made any impact...but when we truly need to know we will. Trust me.
So what can you do? You know it already. God's told you. Just trust him and follow it. It might not be World Vision (we aren't!) but it will impact someone and that is the truth.
Take care,
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Blessings vs. Misfortunes
Perhaps it's a bit unclear what this thought is about, but it was profound to me at the time.
People, myself included, have used the phrase: I have been blessed with/to/for ___(fill in the blank here)_____.
And, no doubt, we have said (I know I have said this) there are "those less fortunate than us."
Funny, we don't call them less blessed.
With The Juniper Project, I'm sure I've said something to the effect that we are "helping those less fortunate."
Though now, I simply say: those in need.
But we don't call them less blessed.
Why not?
If we consider being in a better financial position (where we are able to help others in addition to providing for ourselves) a blessing, why is it only "misfortune" and not a "lack of blessings" that is the opposite?
I've heard it taught that God blesses people with money so that they can do great things with it. And not just money, but talent, fame, skill, etc...
So those less fortunate...did they miss out? Were they not blessed with something, anything? Or did misfortune TRUMP God's blessings to them?
Or (and this is what I think) is it that we have a skewed vision of what a blessing truly is.
Am I blessed to have my house?
Well, when I am elbow deep in sewer back up in my basement it doesn't feel so, but others would say I was.
Am I blessed to have other "things" in my life?
Depends on our view and vision.
Did God really mean for me to have such "things" as a blessing to me?
I'm having a harder time recently thinking so.
Back when I gave that guy on the corner $20.00 it was about detaching...not about hoping or a promise that I would be blessed with MORE money. It was about not putting money so high in my life - not that I chased the almighty dollar my entire life. Not many people get rich in my field of work.
So what really is a blessing?
I'm not sure I know anymore, if I even thought I knew at some time. However, just off the top of my head, I'm reminded that in the Bible PEOPLE were blessings and did bless - sometimes through THINGS, yes, but it was PEOPLE doing it to other people.
God did his fair share, and still does, but are we recognizing true blessings from just accumulation and purchase power?
I bought my iPhone...was I really blessed with it? I don't think so, but I CAN bless people with it in numerous ways.
That isn't to say that iPhones are blessings.
But as we know from experience and from the Bible, God can make good out of anything. And that TRULY is a blessing.
What I'm trying to say is this: BECAUSE we have more (things, money, etc.) than someone else doesn't mean we are necessarily BLESSED with those things or to have them. In most cases I would say were aren't. Especially if we aren't willing to say that someone who doesn't posses them isn't "less blessed."
Certainly sin didn't keep them from such blessings, as I am "blessed" with things and have sinned much in my life - and will til the day I die! We all will! If sin was the issue, why did I fare better with my sins vs. their sins?
I'm not saying that having what we do is bad - it's not. God doesn't say we can't have things. However, if we put those things first and foremost in our life and actually think we DESERVE them...then that's where we are crossing a line.
We can be thankful and grateful for what we have and we should be BECAUSE we don't deserve ANY of it.
In the end, I'm not sure I still have a great notion of what a blessing is - but I know it's not something we physically's what we spiritually give and receive from each other. And maybe that's what a blessing is: something that "blesses" our souls...not our physical needs...but our spiritual needs.
That makes more sense to me...and thus someone with LESS than me, can have far more BLESSINGS...certainly they might be open for it more than I am...
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Dear God, I'm in a pissy mood!
A prayer where you just want nothing more than to bitch to God because we are in some funk, and worst of it - we have no idea why?
The hell is that about?
Why in the world do I get into such foul moods for no good reason. Sure, my life isn't perfect, but it is far from such a foul mood I'm in sometimes. Why?
The heck is going on?
This hanging...what? Heaviness? I don't know what it is. Sure feels like a heavy wet blanket that is NOT comfortable in the least. How did it get here, how do I get rid of it?
And as I said - worst of it, I have no idea WHY I'm in such a mood. Nothing has happened that should "cause" such a mood, yet there it is...and here it comes.
Then, because of this mood, thought and feelings come up that I know I don't want around me and in my head. Mainly, "why bother?"
Why bother with anything? Why not just eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we may die?
Why not just be selfish and live for ourselves?
Heck people will just take advantage of us anyway. Besides what good and I really doing? Am I really changing ANY part of the world, because is sure as hell doesn't appear so.
I know, someone who writes and blogs about following Jesus isn't supposed to have these thoughts, nor are they to SHARE these thoughts on a blog of all places!
Well, you'll get them here, folks!
I don't do fluffy and "saintly" and whatnot if I'm not feeling it - today: I'm not! LOL.
Yes, I get in foul moods that I can't explain where they come from or why they are hanging around me. Some would say it's possible spiritual warfare...I'm not in total disagreement with that notion as a possibility, however, I'm not going to go down that path here.
Rather, I'm going to tell you what I do when I get in these mood: I go to God...and I bitch to God.
Yep, I complain to God and sometimes get a bit angry with Him. Especially about things I believed Him to call me toward that don't seem ANYTHING!
"The hell's the point?" I ask, in frustration and anger and sadness...
And, much to my chagrin, I don't always get an answer - not right away.
Somewhere in this prayer, when I feel like I'm near the end of my rope, I demand from God.
That's right, I make a demand. "You gotta give me something, Guy! You gotta show me something, a reason, hope, something..."
And again, I usually don't get my answer right away...because God isn't interested in giving me an answer right away - He's interested in listening, and letting me have my tantrum...
Oh, I kind of am holding back on some of my language - but what I exactly say to God is between me and Him - and I know he can take it...He's God.
But sometimes, I think we fall into this false belief that God ONLY wants to hear about when we're doing good. I know, I know, God knows everything...but SHARING it with God is far different that just assuming God knows.
Because when we share our feelings, especially the non "saintly" ones - we are admitting we are having them. But even better: we CONFRONT them.
What makes me angry about when I have these thoughts and feelings, is I know they are not truly mine. They are not me on any given day - which is what makes me more angry for having them.
And since God knows my heart better than I, it only is right that I go to him when my heart doesn't seem to be lining up. And yes, sometimes that comes in complaints toward God. Not that these complaints are TRULY complaints toward him - though they are directed at him.
We shouldn't hide these feelings and thoughts - not from God anyway. For one, as we know, he already KNOWS we're having them! Second, by going to God, we are addressing them and fighting them and not backing away from them.
So, yeah, I found myself in a pissy mood today for no damn reason at all - it happens, it'll happen again, but I take it to God, and let loose on Him - and what is so GREAT about it? He can handle it and take it, he's God and further more: he WANTS us too.
No, I don't always feel immediately better. The clouds don't part and the angels don't sing...but I know that I have confronted it, and it will pass and what I asked for and "demanded" will be answered: when I'm in the position to best hear it and understand it.
As for today...for a couple of questions, I'm still waiting for the answer.
That's okay, I'll just keep bugging him about it. ;)
Take care,
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Juniper Project Serving Day
Thursday, September 26, 2013
It's Between Them and God
Due to a nudging, I gave a pan handler $20.00 today. Now, God and I had our conversation about this and He won.
Because it wasn't about giving to, it was about parting with.
And, as always it was about a persons "worthiness" of grace - in it's many forms.
The man I gave it to was surprised to get $20 an almost started to cry and shook my hand. He then put away his sign and rode off.
Maybe he went to get something to eat or mate he went to drink it away. But it was his "grace" now and what he did with it was between God and him.
He owes me nothing for it, I freely gave it to him, what he does with it is on him.
Even if he does drink it away, how often to we spiritually do the same and all the while God keeps handing us "$20" over an over again??
If God can hand out true grace without ceasing and our deserving than how can I not help anyone in need?
I know sometimes that isn't true help, but hen God nudges you to do something: there's a reason for it.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Can Christian's Drink Alcohol?
Now, many people have already addressed this question, but as I said I probably should too.
How I wish to do this is to take what a prominent teacher says about drinking. When I typed it in on the searchy thing I came across Greg Laurie's post on it: Greg's Drinkin Stance
After reading it, I thought given my blog name, a Christian, and a drinker I should address this and thus present my belief on the matter.
Now, I am not criticising Greg as a person. I don't know him at all. I have heard him on the radio before, but couldn't tell you what he said.
Instead, I wish to show that people with his belief, tend to lean the argument on their side by not actually addressing the question and ignoring evidence that doesn't fit this point.
I do this, also, because I believe as a spiritual leader he should know better than to present a lopsided view of an issue many Christians deal with. It's important, and people deserve ALL information available - not just opinion and straw man arguments.
The question is whether Christians can drink alcohol. The question ISN'T: can Christian drink excessively and abuse alcohol.
Greg doesn't answer the first - the question people actually ask. He answers number two: which, as far as I know, isn't up for debate.
So let's look at Greg's response:
"The Bible tells us the story of John the Baptist,who was set apart by God from the time he was in his mother’s womb. In Luke 1:15, the angel said of John, “He will be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink. He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb” (NKJV).
John gives us a good model for life: he drank neither wine nor strong drink."
No, but he did eat locusts and honey...I doubt that Greg is a consumer of the former. John was set apart, by God, for a specific purpose. That he didn't drink, wasn't the purpose. That is, John wasn't set apart just to NOT drink. It was a small, minor, part of what John was there to do...and that John didn't drink doesn't follow that we can't.
"Personally, I don’t drink at all. That is due, to some degree, to coming from an alcoholic home and seeing the devastation that drinking can bring."
For sure, excessive drinking can. I don't disagree, however, alcohol also masks the true problem that goes beyond drinking. Working with folks who live with mental illness, I know that people self medicate with alcohol among other substances - alcohol isn't their root problem: their illness is. I can't speak to Greg's life growing up, so I won't.
"I can’t think of a single good thing that comes from drinking, but I can think of many bad things that
come from it: broken homes, violence, accidents, people killed on the road by drunk drivers, addiction,
destroying your health . . . the list goes on."
Yep, Greg all those can happen with drinking. And many happen without alcohol too. Because we can think of bad things that happen when something is abused and misused doesn't mean the "thing" is bad. When used properly, does the list still hold?
Greg here is not arguing apples to apples. He arguing abuse of alcohol vs. responsible use.
I would agree, ABUSE of alcohol is a sin - as abuse of ANYTHING is a sin. Money, sexuality, gluttony, etc. Abuse does lead to destruction of lives, no doubt about it. But that's not the same as common sense use.
"Drinking will never make anything better, only worse."
Health Experts Disagree
Though they do mention in the article that " too much alcohol can have many harmful effects on your body."
Again, ABUSE can have harmful effects, proper use can have healthful effects.
And another for good measure: Beer Does a Body Good.
And Paul, whom he quotes, also said this to Timothy: “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine [oinos] because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses” (1 Timothy 5:23)
Greg might not be able to think of anything good that can come from drinking, but that doesn't mean there isn't. I agree EXCESSIVE drinking doesn't lead to anything good, but that's not what the question is...
But Greg doesn't relent arguing the incorrect point:
"Every illustration of drunkenness in the Bible is a disaster:
Noah became drunk, and in his nakedness, he acted shamelessly.
Lot became drunk and his daughters committed incest with him.
Belshazzar, in Daniel 5, had a drunken feast and worshipped his false gods. He lost his
kingdom that night.
Many a kingdom, family, career, ministry, and life have been lost through drinking."
"Through EXCESSIVE drinking," it should read.
Nowhere in the Bible do you read about RESPONSIBLE drinking leading to problems...
"As Paul told the Corinthian believers, “‘I have the right to do anything,’ you say—but not everything is beneficial. ‘I have the right to do anything’—but I will not be mastered by anything” (1 Corinthians 6:12
I don’t want to be under the power of anyone or anything but Jesus Christ!"
Does moderate drinking equate alcohol taking power over your life?
"Here’s a revolutionary thought: If you don’t drink, you will never get drunk. If you do drink, you may get drunk. Is it worth the risk?"
If you eat the wrong types of food you might get fat. Is it worth the risk?
If you drive your car, you might get into an accident and be killed. Is it worth the risk?
If you go swimming, you might drown. Is it worth the risk?
Actually I find this the silliest argument, as we can do this all day with various things. As the saying goes, "Life is Dangerous."
But here's one for you, Greg: if you live your life, you might SIN.
Scratch that: you WILL sin.
Is it worth the risk?
"But here’s another question for you: Could your so-called liberty ever cause another believer to stumble in their faith? 1 Corinthians 8:9 says, “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.”
But this goes for ANYTHING! I would agree, that if we are too focused on or abuse something it can be a stumbling block - but good grief if we stopped to take inventory, we'd do nothing but that and not get around to living life.
"John never touched alcohol, but was instead “filled with the Spirit.” The Bible says, “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18 NLT). It’s better to be filled with the Spirit than with the spirits."
Greg's parting shot seems to state that one cannot be filled with both. Of course, if one truly was filled with alcohol as they were with the Spirit they'd be dead.
We are not talking about being "filled" with alcohol Greg - we are talking about responsible drinking. Of which Jesus was more than okay with.
Here is a great link on wine and drinking in the Bible: Alcohol in the Bible
But in Greg's post, he doesn't mention ANY this. He only argues HIS one side. That doesn't, I believe, answer the question.
I don't believe this to be good teaching. I believe that good teaching presents all sides fairly. A teacher doesn't present a lopsided argument that doesn't actually address the question being asked.
Again, I'm not attaching Greg personally. I'm sure he's a fine man. But I do believe that he didn't fairly answer the questions many in his fold dearly wanted answered.
So, to answer the question: yes Christians are allowed to drink. Drinking alcohol is NOT a sin.
But, like everything in life for many it CAN lead to and become a sin...but alcohol is not alone in that boat.
So celebrate the gift of God that brewers and winemakers have received and enjoy a glass, or two - if you wish. If not? Then that is just fine as well.
Flash Flood For Good
Just a quick post about a great opportunity that I support and wish to bring to you.
Flash Flood For Good
I won't go into a big sales pitch, but seriously if you are reading this why wouldn't you help?
All they are asking for is $10 bucks...
You're most likely going to waste that on something today - why not put it to good use?
Okay, enough with the "guilt trip." Seriously though, it's water - it's a necessity to live.
You know you want to give ;)
You'll be glad you did, I promise!
Take care,
Monday, September 23, 2013
The Juniper Project
This Saturday TJP will be serving those in need with food, care kits, and smiles.
The Juniper Project
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Loving our Enemies: the illogical command.
Another year passes by 9/11 and now the President has just asked us to be ready and WILLING to bomb Syria (should diplomacy not work); both make me think of perhaps Jesus' most controversial command to us: love your enemy.
But what does this mean? Really?
Are we truly to love those who persecute us? Who wish to kill us? Who wish to harm us?
Well, if we read on in the Bible passage...the short answers is: yes.
Jesus gives us examples of loving our enemies, but guess what he doesn't give us?
In my opinion, this command, while tough, couldn't be any clearer.
But yet, we can find Christians who will argue and run through a list of "what ifs" as evidence that Jesus couldn't REALLY mean what he said.
Love God? Can do.
Love my neighbor? You got it.
Love my enemies? Well, let's not be so hasty! I might need some clarification - and by that I mean: you can't be serious?
Sure, I can love the guy that just cut me off in traffic. I can love the guy at work that seems to hate me for no good reason.
But you can't expect me to love __________(insert your exception here).
I know, there are days when I wish Jesus didn't give us this command - it would make things SOOOO much easier.
But he did.
And for a reason.
1) because WE are someones enemy...
I know, we like to think we are perfect, but guess what? We're not! I guarantee you, right now, there is someone that can put you in their list of perceived enemies or they just plain don't like you.
And this means something even more, but I'll get back to it...
2) because Jesus loved (and still loves) his enemies...
If Jesus' enemies are good enough for HIS love, then our enemies certainly are more than worthy of OUR less than stellar love.
3) because Jesus said so.
Serious, it's a command that is non-negotiable and not to be taken lightly or debated by us looking for loop holes. Because of this simple, yet profound, truth: if we truly are looking at people with the heart and through the eyes of Jesus, we have NO enemies.
Did Jesus see enemies? No. He saw lost sheep, and lost shepherds too. Oh, he got on the shepherds, let's not kid ourselves, but he did not see them as enemies..."God forgive them for they know not what they do..."
And, because WE may think someone is our enemy, does that mean they truly are?
Well, let's put it back on us, because someone thinks WE are their enemy, does that mean we truly are?
The answer is no, to both.
And 4) this command is logically impossible.
You can't love your enemy. For once you love them, they are no longer your enemy but a loved one. The very nature and act of love removes someone from the enemy list.
If we are loving them, if we love them, they cannot be our enemy because to be our enemy means we do not love them.
Jesus was quite a clever guy.
By giving us an illogical command, he points out one of our biggest failures: to love.
So the question, "How do we love our enemy?" Is a trick question...
You can't, because if you truly love your enemy, you don't have any enemies...all you have is "neighbors."
And what are we to do with our neighbors? Love them. Not ONLY love them, but love them as we love ourselves...or better in some cases.
And yes, some neighbors are "better" neighbors than others, but...
Okay, but what does this look like in practice and in our lives?
Well, folks, I'm going to have to defer to the expert on this: God.
You want to really know what this means in YOUR life, you have to turn to the author of your life and find out from Him.
Can't use me as a cop out.
Hell, I'm working this out on my own...I'd be a poor example to go by!
But God will be more than happy to tell you...if you're truly willing to listen...
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Screw you! No, I'm kidding...
So I offer none.
But I am going to start posting again. I will look to post TWO posts a month.
I have another blog, far different from this, that I will be working on and thus do not want to commit to something I cannot do. Two posts is more than doable.
So please check back every so often, I will try to make my posts on a regular day - say Monday or something of that nature so you can at least know which day to look, rather than just checking back all the time - thought that would do my visits well!
Until next post!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Dear Zubeidat Tsarnaeva - a letter of Love.
We are to love, because he first loved us and because He loves you. And if you are worthy of Jesus’ love, who am I to believe that my love is too great for you?