Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Slacktivism, don't fall for it!
According to Wikipedia "Slacktivism (sometimes slactivism) is a portmanteau formed out of the words slacker and activism. The word is considered a pejorative term that describes "feel-good" measures, in support of an issue or social cause, that have little or no practical effect other than to make the person doing it feel satisfaction."
Examples of slacktivism include (but not limited to) internet petitions, joining Facebook groups, altering one's avatar to "raise awareness" of an issue...etc.
In other words, no REAL action is taken...nothing is really accomplished - except a self pat on the back.
Slacktivism, sadly, is a growing trend.
To make a change, to make a difference REAL ACTION is needed. Good for us, not much effort is needed in some cases!
A donation, a letter, a minute of time, an ear, anything.
All real changes were made through action...just imagine if Martin Luther King, Jr. just wore a ribbon. If Ghandi only signed "internet" petitions or changed his FB avatar.
Or if Jesus just walked around with a "Peace and Love" t-shirt.
Hey, I'm not immune - heck I wear a cross - which does nothing for no one but me (and sometimes not even me). It has not fed the hungry, housed the homeless, nor brought Christ to someone (as far as I know) but I wear it nonetheless...
So, I'm not suggesting we outright rid ourselves of slacktivism - it may (in the rarest occurrences) raise awareness to someone who's never heard of said issue and inspire them to do something, which might be reason enough - but let's not let it replace any real work, action, or effort to make a difference in this world.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Thank God the Church is full of hypocrites!
"THANK GOD! I'll fit right in!"
If I believed for a moment that any given church was full of Saints, I wouldn't darken their doorstep.
I know, I know, there are some churches that give the appearance that all their folks are saintly and do no wrong, but don't fault them for that...do you like to flaunt your faults?
Neither do I.
No, churches shouldn't necessarily highlight their faults, but they shouldn't ignore the fact that they have them either. Transparency is good - I think Jesus said something like that once.
Nor should a church degrade and harass folks for their faults - it is not the church's role to "change" people. Let God work with them.
The church should be, and mostly is, welcoming...If a church says All are Welcome - I hope they mean it. And I must say - many of the churches I have visited have been very welcoming.
Yes, we can all point out a bad church experience, but we all know better than to compare all churches by just one experience.
The folks inside the church doors (even the pastor) are just like us! They ARE hypocrites, they ARE liars and thieves and adulterers and on and on and on....
We are in good company!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Who are the Least?
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Who is the "least of these?"
Back then, people had value place upon them - rightly or wrongly - didn't matter. You were a leper, you were "unclean" for example. Unclean, such a nice word for: worthless.
Sadly, when I have read that verse in the past I immediately thought of: the homeless, the drug addicts, the "really bad" sinners of the world. Of course, Jesus would consider them the "least" of his brothers, right?
Before I yell out YES! and pat myself on the back, I think I need to take a step back for a second.
This "value" that had been placed on people then were values placed on them by man - not by God. When God chose the Jewish people to be his priests to the world, he didn't do so because they were better or more valued...they were just a people...God chose an ordinary, regular, group of people to display what would be his love for the world.
Needless to say they didn't do the best of jobs...neither to we now!
We certainly can't do a better job if we still consider people to be "least" of Jesus' brethren. Remember, he said the last shall be first and the first shall be last.
Now, some people take that literally...but how could it be? That would mean there are still values to people that God place upon them...but does he?
That certainly isn't what Jesus preached. One thing that Jesus preached is that we are no better than anyone else...nor are we any worse...to God we are all equal. (though how Jesus preached this has been a bit distorted)
There is no first, there is no last, there is no middle...there is no "least."
So I must change my thinking. When I feed the homeless, they are not the "least" of anything. I am no better than they are. I have no more value to God then them. Nor are they any less of a value to God.
When I feed the homeless, I'm feeding Jesus' brothers and sisters...your brothers and sisters...my brothers and sisters.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Be a Bell Ringer!
Check it out HERE!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Perfect Time to Lend a Hand!
If you are looking for opportunities to serve, but aren't quite sure where to start check out these two links:
Volunteer Match
Volunteers of America
Not only do both of the links off great listings of local organizations needing your help, but they make the process quick, easy, and painless.
I have used Volunteer Match several times and highly recommend it.
No more excuses, check it out, find something you can (and would) do and...well, you know the rest.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Food Drive Totals...
Big thanks to Mom for the kick-butt sign again this year!
Food Totals: 65lbs!
Money Total: $95.00!
We didn't cure hunger, but we made a dent!
Thanks again!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Food Drive: Update, LAST DAY!
Last night someone dropped off a box with 30-plus pounds of food in it!
So a bit "thank you!" to them!
Today is also the last day to donate financially as well, so if you'd like to help that way, please do, just click on the link at the right!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Back on itunes!
That's right!
I have figured out all my technical issues and will now be updating my itunes on a regular basis (as the podcasts are posted). Over the next week or so, I will be uploading all the current podcasts to itunes, then new ones as they are recorded.
Here's the itunes link!
Pass it on!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Kiva update!
Evidently, business is doing well for the gentleman that I loaned to.
If you would like to follow the Just One lending team or more information as to what Kiva is, click HERE!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Even I can follow Jesus...
I hear a lot of sermons talking to people about even THEY can follow and be saved by Jesus. Yes THEY the ugly, stinking, wretched sinner they are...
Hmmm...yep, we will accept even them!
I think that message is a bit screwy...
For one, at least for me, it makes it sound as if we are better than them...which of course, we are not. But it also, points out there flaws and completely ignore ours...as if when you follow Jesus, you no longer sin or are selfish and yes, become "better."
For me, I guess I would tell people that even someone like ME can follow Jesus...and if I'm allowed to, they sure as heck can too - just as they are, no change required!
I'll even let you go ahead of me!
God accepts me flaws and all - and I have some deep flaws!
I think that's what Paul was trying to get at when he called himself the greatest of sinners - he really wasn't claiming that title, but he was pointing out that God used even him to great things.
Paul was saying, "Even I can be used by Jesus. And if I can be used for great things, just imagine what you could do!"
A much more positive message, in my humble point of view.
NAMI Walks Update and Pictures!
If you click on the link, they also have pictures posted.
Another successful year!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Me and God don't see eye to eye...
Most times, I'm looking for outward signs, while God primarily is concerned with what's on the inside...
Case in point - the food drive.
Now, yes, I believe that I am supposed to host the food drive...So far God and I agree there. Where we might part ways is our view of success.
I would see the success of the food drive as the boxes being over flowing with food and other donations - boy wouldn't that make me feel great!
However, what God's view of a successful food drive might be different, deeper than that, and just because I can't see it, might never see it, doesn't mean I didn't do what I was supposed to do - just means I don't have the right eyes to see it...or it wasn't meant for me to see, at least not yet.
Very hard to do...since we are such an externally measuring society...but God doesn't care what society thinks, or how society measures success - for that we should be thankful!
Last thing I would want, is a God that bows to popular opinion, or measure success the way we do.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Food Drive Scoreboard
29th Ave S. Parkers: Food (lbs): 0
$$$$: 0.00
Friends and Family: Food (lbs): 12
$$$$: 95.00
So there you have it.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Week Two Food Drive Results...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Food Drive Week Two!
While we have gotten some greatly appreciated donations, we have yet to get any from the target audience. Perhaps today will be different, we shall see!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Mr. Cynical...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Just One Can...Food Drive Update.
For one, it was the first Friday of the drive - and folks were only given one day notice.
This year, we have both this blog and Second Harvest's web address on the sign, so people can check up on me, make sure I'm legit! lol
Friday, October 1, 2010
It's Food Drive Time!
We did this last year with modest results and hope to do better this year.
If you care to make a finacial donation, please do so HERE!
I'll keep you posted as the drive progresses.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Kiva Update...
Well, I am happy to tell you, that out of $25.00 loaned, $4.80 has been paid back!
So there you have it.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Coffee Fest 2010!
Coffee Fest 2010 is right around the corner. (Nov. 20th)
For more information, click HERE!
Remember: the proceeds from Coffee Fest help support Second Harvest Heartland.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
It doesn't take much...
There are any number of things you can do to help your fellow man out.
A new thing I have started to do, is purchasing gift cards to restaurants. You can basically get then in most denominations, but five bucks is good.
If you don't feel like giving money, at least you can five "food".
As of yet, since purchasing the gift cards, I have yet been able to hand one on of them out...I guess God has some plan for them...but I always keep them on hand, just in case...
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Hook, Line, and Corn...
The Weather Channel proved correct this time and we had decent weather for fishing!
Dad and I went and assisted folks with limited vision fish off the Lake Calhoun pier.
This little excursion was put on by Vision Loss Resources.
And while the rain held off, and the fish were hungry, they were a bit more elusive than would have liked otherwise.
Worms might have helped, but the corn we used did prove to be a good enough bait for the sunnies - they just proved to be too small (or too smart) for us.
All in all, things could have been worse and all who fished, did catch! Though no records were broken today.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jesus Will Wreck Your Life...
Following Jesus will wreck your life!
Oh, the things you thought were so important become...silly, futile, a waste of time and energy...objects you value become worthless and take up space...security? We know we don't really have that.
Hate people? Not anymore! And for some of us, that kinda sucks...as we were good at hating people. Now, dang it, more often than not I start to feel compassion (dare I say love?) for them.
I begin to feel sorry that I don't HAVE change to give to the guy on the corner, when before I could just shrug him off and not be bothered. Turn up my radio so I don't have to hear him asking. Pretend I'm fiddling with my radio and just can't seem to find a song I like...
I begin to wonder what MORE can I give, and what LESS can I live with?
The wrong things begin to annoy me...like ME! How much of the wrongs in the world ARE my fault, because I either do nothing to stop and change it, or because I contribute...
I'm not saying I feel overwhelmingly guilty about it...it's more of an awareness.
I'm tucked safely behind my walls, even now, and there is a great need out there...beyond them. I can help, I can start to change things, I can start to make a difference, I can follow Jesus (he's out there, calling me out, I can hear him!).
But to do so could mean...
And THAT'S where I pause, stop from taking that step, from making that commitment, from taking that risk.
All the changes that WILL happen...the things that will be different...how my life will change, and how the life I created will be ruined...
Oh, I know that to feel fully and be fully alive, I must follow him...but sometimes...sometimes the stagnant, bland, lifeless hug of these walls are comforting...if for no other reason that they are familiar and predictable.
Following Jesus is neither.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
New Podcast - Calamine Lotion
The Bible tells of all the miracles that Jesus did...but did he ever just lend a hand?
Is loving our neighbor as ourselves ALWAYS something big? Or can it be something...mundane?
Monday, August 9, 2010
Love Shopping at Target?
Target School Spree
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
What is Kiva?
Glad you asked. Kiva is way for you and me to help someone in an enterprising way by combining micro financing and the Internet.
Through Kiva, we can make loans to entrepreneurs all over the globe to help them start their own business to better themselves and their community.
Like traditional loans, the loans we make are with the expectation we will be repaid. (according to their website, they have a better than 98% repayment rate)
Unlike traditional loans, you or I do not receive any interest on our loan, but we do get to know that what we are providing more than just a hand-out.
Please check Kiva out. Give them five minutes of your time.
If you agree that "risking" 25 dollars to help someone out is something you'd like to do, please do so. If you'd like, you may join our Just One Team by clicking the link on the side.
In good faith, I have started us off.
Take care.
Friday, July 30, 2010
NAMI Walks 2010
September 25th to be exact.
What does that mean?
Well, it means that there will be a link up on the sidebar, and updates as well until walk time.
My Walk Page
Team Page
Just One Opportunity..."Adopt a Student"
Adopt a Student
- "By adopting a student you will provide a child with a new backpack and school supplies needed..."
If you would like to fill a back pack and donate, send me an email @ justoneministries@hotmail.com and I will help arrange a pick-up/drop off if you aren't able to drop them off yourself.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Perhaps God's toughest Commandment...
Be still.
One of the hardest commandments to follow is to do nothing?!
Yet, on some level, it makes all the sense in the world.
In time of trouble, chaos, crisis - especially of our own doing - the one thing we tend not to do and to be is "still."
Heck, at any given time I have a hard time sitting still, something is shaking or moving.
We are reactionary. Something happens, we respond. Something happens again, we respond again - or we change our response, but we still respond.
We take things personal.
See things in a skewed way, through hurt or angry eyes.
We become paranoid.
We feel and act like a cat in a corner or we feel like we're trying to catch a million marbles at once.
We make rash decisions.
Talk to the wrong people.
Outrageous things begin to look attractive to us. Like running away to join the circus. (or for those of you who work in the circus) Running away to join the corporate world.
In a time of crisis, when we are at our wits end, when we are barely hanging on by a thread...what does God want us to do?
Be still.
Take a deep breath.
Be still.
Be still and KNOW that God is there.
Does that mean he'll solve our problem?
It means that if we are still and trust God we will get through the crisis and be where we should be on the other side. And our faith and trust in God will grow.
It means God knows the outcome of our crisis. In fact he knows TWO outcomes. 1) if we are still and trust him. 2) if we try to make it, fix it, get through it on our own.
If we follow path #2 and we aren't still we'll miss God's voice. His voice of encouragement, his voice of comfort, his voice of peace, and (what we are looking for) his voice of guidance and direction.
When we miss and don't hear his voice we begin to feel that God is not present with us in our time of need. He is, he is always with us -especially when we don't "feel" him. We can't feel him if we aren't being still.
We get too distracted in what is going on - which the devil is more than willing to help us out with. Distraction is one of his best weapons, tools, he uses to drive a wedge between us and God - crisis brings on the best distractions sometimes.
Hence: be still.
Don't get distracted.
Don't give the devil anything he can use against you, because he will. Or as Paul put it: don't give the devil a foothold.
Okay I'm still, you say, now what?
Listen...wait...continue to be still.
Which, if you notice (by how hard it is to do) being still IS doing something.
It's being open and connected to God.
In my line of work I was trained in how to handled certain situation with consumers who become physically aggressive toward people or others.
One of the first rules: do nothing.
Because while someone MAY look like they are about to hit you they might not. They might just swear at you and storm off. Yet, if I were to react right away - I might have made the situation worse.
(obviously, this does NOT apply to all situations.)
Being still is for the crisis when the answers aren't so clear.
We ask for direction. Sometimes we get it, as a "yes" or a "no" or a feeling to do something.
Sometimes we get the answer that feels like an unanswered prayer: be still.
Be still, it's almost over.
Be still, the light in the tunnel is ahead.
Be still, the sun will shine upon you tomorrow.
Be still, I am with you always.
Be still, you will be okay.
Be still and know that I am God.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be - Max Lucado (Review)
As the titled hints at, this book isn’t about striving and achieving all your hopes and dreams. Rather, it goes one better. Max reminds us that God has “packed us” with a specific set of skills for a “specific purpose.”
While many of us may say that we believe that, so few of us actually put in the time and make the effort to discover what that purpose is. Therein lies the challenge.
Don’t let the size of the book fool you. Unlike other self-help, motivational type books, Max cuts the fat and other fluffy extras and gets to the meat of the matter quickly.
God designed each and every one of us specifically and uniquely - as Max puts it, “You-nique.” We are not mass produced. No one has our complete set of skills, likes, and passions. Those are our and ours alone.
But what to do with these gifts?
Ah, another challenge set forth by God that Max reminds us.
In short: change the world.
By being the best “us” we can be.
By sowing a seed and trusting God.
As Max puts it, “God inhabits the tiny seed, empowers the tiny deed.”
So, no Suzie, no Billy you can’t be ANYTHING you want to be, but you can be EVERYTHING God wants you to be.
Max Lucado reminds us how.
(as always, I have received a free copy of this book for review through Booksneeze.com. This review is honest and my own, and was in no way influenced by anyone for any reason)
Monday, July 19, 2010
What Would Jesus Do? Don't ask me...
What would Jesus do...when?
In what circumstance?
Is there only one answer? Is there just a set of stuff that Jesus would, will, only do?
Why not: "What wouldn't Jesus Do?"
Do you know?
Not me. And I don't dare guess.
All I know is what He DID, for others, for me...beyond that...well...
Sure, it's a catchy phrase and it gets us to think and discuss...but there's a danger in thinking that there ONLY one answer to any given situation.
Perhaps the question is better asked: What would Jesus want YOU to do?
Now THAT makes it personal and on my shoulders...and if you're like me, I really don't want that...yet, that is what's expected...
I am to take on some of those responsibilities that I don't want to...I want my comfort, I want my predictable, I want my safe!
But that's not where Jesus went.
Don't get me wrong, safe isn't bad...but to grow in faith, in life, we need to get uncomfortable sometimes, we need to trust Jesus more. Being safe...doesn't require much faith and trust in Jesus.
God called people out of their comfort zones throughout all the pages of the Bible...and the people we read about in the Bible are the ones that took those steps, stretched and even challenged their faith.
Each day I ask to have courage to do more and more of that...somedays I feel on fire like I would do ANYTHING God asked of me....other days, most days, including today...I want to be safe, stay safe and wish God would find someone else.
So What Would Jesus Do?
I don't know, but if you ask him...you might not be a huge fan of his answer, yet again, it might be just what you need to hear.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Just One Opportunity..."Clean Start!"
Aeon, a nonprofit developer, owner and manager of high-quality affordable homes in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, is looking for donations of toiletries.
This runs similar to the Food and Fun Drives of Second Harvest.
You could set one up at work, at your church, anywhere you know of caring folks!
If you don't live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area check around your city for the local homeless shelter/organization - perhaps you could start your own drive and support them!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Can't Hear God's Music...
Due to his critical ear for finding the right sound, pitch, mix, etc. he no longer can just "listen" to music and enjoy it. That critical ear takes over, finding flaws, errors, corrections that should be made...is less music than it is just imperfect sound to him.
I think we are always in danger to falling into the same pit when it comes to God.
We search for finding the right pitch or sound in God's symphony. We pull tid bits out of the Bible and see if it "fits". We make the worship and following of Christ so technical, it becomes...anything but enjoyable.
Following Christ was never meant to be gruelling work. There are going to be hard times, but there will be hard times if we don't follow him too - hard times will come either way.
But let's not make it so technical.
Some of the best music comes out of a few people just getting together and playing.
Can't we do the same?
Let's cut the crap and get back to basics...Christ, God, and the music we can enjoy with them, in them, and in others. If someone plays a wrong note, who cares? If God doesn't, why should we?
"I played for you, but you didn't dance."
I strongly believe there's a spiritual connection to God in music. Music. Not JUST Christian music, but music. Not lyrics (though they help) but M-U-S-I-C.
So, go turn off the computer, play your favorite song (any song that you truly enjoy - doesn't have to be a hymn, but if it is so be it!) and see if your soul isn't stirred even slightly.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Just One Focus...
In our culture especially, we believe that simple is good...at the start, but that over time things MUST get more complicated.
But that isn't what JOM set out to do.
The vision has always been that each of us, all of us can do something, anything, just ONE thing that can help someone, make a difference, start a change.
Something small, something simple, something meaningful...
For whatever reason, I was beginning to think that JOM needed to be more...complicated.
But it doesn't.
Hopefully, it won't have to either.
I am Just One!
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I should do and, with the help of God, I will do." Edward Everett Hale
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Spread the Word Update
In addition to collecting Bibles, I have been purchasing Bibles that I find at a local thrift store and have them hand them out. I haven't been as diligent in counting those Bibles as I should have been, but off the top of my head I think it's close to 50 Bibles that have been purchased and distributed through the thrift store.
For now, I will continue to collect Bibles as I know one of these days there will be a need for them...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
A Knitting Ministry of One
If you are a knitter and want to become a knitting ministry, here is a site to help you get started. You will find patterns, hints and tips, as well as a list of charities that need knitted items. There is even an email newsletter to subscribe to. It's a perfect ministry for Just One.
Knitting For Charity
Thursday, June 17, 2010
You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be - By Max Lucado
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Just One Updates...
That will change very soon.
Thanks to some wonderful donations and other changes that we are making we should be able to keep the content a bit more fresh than recently.
Though, part of the recent "staleness" was to take some time to find our direction (for now).
Thanks for hanging in there!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Jesus Manifesto - by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola
This wasn't exactly the case with Jesus Manifesto. Which isn't to say that it's a bad thing...it's just different. I read through the book twice and even during the second time around I wasn't sure where the book was going the first 1/3rd of it.
The second third of the book was much clearer and truly is what the book is about: Jesus.
Plain and simple the book is about Jesus Christ. And maybe that's where I got confused. I was looking for something more complicated...deep. But as the authors put it, "you can't get deeper than Christ."
Unlike other books about Jesus, Sweet and Viola, don't give you hope of what Jesus can do for you, rather they provide the hope of following Jesus and discovering what he will do, and is doing, through you.
Sweet and Viola contend that the church today, and Christianity for that matter, has taken the eye off the mark: Christ. Christ is not the center, the main point, the reason, etc. They argue the Gospel, and Christ, have been reduced to that of a vending machine in the current "Youniverse" culture.
I would have to agree.
The authors give a compelling argument for putting Christ back into Christianity. How Christ IS the point, IS the Truth, the light, and the Way. Nothing else matters and yet, everything matters when you are focused on Christ.
The Christ they write about in Jesus Manifesto is one that you'd be hard pressed to find in church today, or anywhere "Christianity" is claimed. And despite the flowery-sugar coated-goody-goody language (that you'll find in many Christian rock songs today) they use to describe Christ, their point (God's point perhaps) is well made.
Perhaps Christ has been forgotten when it comes to Christianity. Perhaps we have deviated from God's true will for us all: to follow Him.
I wouldn't recommend this book for a new believer, new follower, or newly converted, but if your view of Jesus hasn't been challenged for awhile, this book might be just what you need. You may not change your heart and mind, but you will think about it.
And really, in the end, that's all the authors can do...and they do it well.
(I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their Booksneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this is accordance with the FTC's 16 CRF Part 255)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Book Review (soon): Jesus Manifesto
While I can't give a review of the book now, I think I'm safe to say I was able to get through it twice, highlighting, and getting a better sense of what they wanted the book to accomplish before submitting a review.
As Abraham H. Maslow said...
Let's be the soup!
Friday, May 21, 2010
You only need a heart full of grace...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
JOM'S Vision...God's Vision
I think, yes, in some cases that is true. Most cases I think it isn’t that we aren’t seeing eye to eye but rather we aren’t seeing or understanding at all.
JOM (including WYD) is in that position at the moment. My vision for JOM has always been about how God could use me, and you, in small but significant ways.
In the excitement of it all (as ideas abound) I have lost clear sight in what God’s vision for the ministry is. I believe I’m facing the right direction, but I don’t have as sharp of focus.
I know this because of growing frustration in lack of clarity (as well as other areas) and because of a growing sense of…importance? I don’t know if that’s the right word or not as feelings such as we get from God are not always easily described.
For the next couple of weeks, hopefully not longer – God willing, I will be tuning back into God for direction and instruction as to what do we do next…and where (in general) are we going, and (more importantly) how best he can use us.
I’m a bit of a fast mover…I get something in my head and want to act upon it now. Sometimes that’s great, other times it just causes me frustration…I think God and I have a little middle ground work to tend to before we can really get moving.
I post this because if there seems to be lack of updates or postings it’s because I am still working on the “focus” part of our Ministry.
As much we would like to be, we can’t be all things to all people. We each have a specific set of gifts, skills, and abilities that God can use, if we let him. It isn’t our vision vs. His; it’s that our vision isn’t as good as his.
Thank you for your support and I will do my best to keep you updated as often as possible.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Only Possible Proof
-- William Barclay
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Just One Opportunity - Activity Book
Where: St. Paul
"One-time Project: Compile a guide for the moms and families staying in the shelter on free or inexpensive things to do in the Twin Cities. Indoor and outdoor activities, winter and summer, festivals, museums, etc. This project could be done from home or here at the shelter."
Click here for more information!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns
“What does God expect of us?” asks Richard Stearns in The Hole in Our Gospel.
There are countless Christian books out there that will “help” you with your faith, or expand your knowledge of the Bible, or even question your beliefs, but so far I’ve only come across one book that challenges Christians to be just that – Christians.
Somewhere along our path, we’ve reduces Christianity, and more importantly the Gospel, to that of a nice personal relationship with God – one that after we’ve committed our life to Christ – should grow and become deeper.
But by doing so, we become “religious” and start to dig a large “hole” in the Gospel – that of loving our neighbor, of helping those who are in need (and not just spiritually), and in essence becoming less selfish.
Richard Stearns, through statistics and more powerfully actual stories from other and his own life, challenges us to fill that “hole” in the Gospel. There are millions of people in the world that could use our help, here at home and abroad. Abroad is where Richard argues that we have dropped the ball.
In America, and most of the western culture, live in vast prosperity. Oh, we hear bad news about our economy, but when you compare it (as Richard does so well) to most other countries in the world – our complaints are well…pathetic.
We have far more than we need. There IS enough food to feed the world – just look at our grocery stores. There IS enough money to help an entire country out – just look at what we spend our money on.
This book is not about more effective prayer, or 5 spiritual disciplines we all must have, or how to truly become happy in Christ.
No this book is deeper than that. This book cuts at the heart of what Jesus taught, truly. Stearns doesn’t put forth new doctrine to challenge our faith, he puts for the call to action that should be because of our faith…yet seems to be lacking.
When it’s all said and done, when Stearns has shined a light on the darkness of “our” Gospel he, in a loving yet disciplined way, puts for the challenge to us: “And when you close this book, what will you do now?”
What will you do now?
(note: I received a free copy of this book for my review through Booksneeze.com. The opinions stated are mine and are freely given. For further information visit www.booksneeze.com)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Spread the Word Bible Outreach Update
This DOES NOT include the Bibles purchased at Chap for them to distribute- that total is 27 distributed. Another 8 were purchased today. In fact, I have currently bought out Chaps entire Bible and New Testament supply.
So God's got some restocking to do!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Second Harvest Donations Dropped Off
No doubt we will do this again for Second Harvest...have a couple ideas in mind for other "ways" to raise food and funds, keep checking back!
Thanks again to everyone for their help and support!
It was a very successful campaign and we made a difference.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wild at Heart by John Eldredge - review
What, at first, threatens to be a book length rant on the church and where it has failed men, morphs into a books about where men have failed us all…but where have we men failed? Quite simply: in being men.
Eldredge contends that there are certain qualities within a man that he can’t escape. They are inherent and God given. They are: a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.
Somewhere we’ve taken a wrong turn. For some men our greatest battles are the commute to work and our greatest adventure is perhaps drinking too much on a Saturday night and our beauty to rescue…well, she’s too complicated, or we aren’t good enough for her anyway. Or so we believe.
Our biggest goal in life: to be nice.
That isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
We men are wild, and often dangerous, but we live in a wild and dangerous world. Sure, this wild and dangerous side of men have been used for bad, dare we say evil, purposes is not reason enough to try and squash it from man entirely. To make men into nice guys, yet that is exactly what society, and even the church is doing.
This book isn’t a “pro-man” book. It’s not about beating the chest, and grunting, and spitting…it is so much more than that. It’s about rescuing a man’s heart, a man’s dream, a man’s soul.
To remind men there is a battle to fight, an adventure does await, there is a beauty to be rescued, and God is waiting for us to join in it all.
Note: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Power of One
Monday, April 19, 2010
Operation 5/5
If you are, please check out Operation 5/5.
It's a small way that each of us can make a difference, while using social networking.
Please help out if you can, the time, effort, and contribution is minimal.
Thank you.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Spread the Word Update...
With thanks to Half Price Books, I was able to snag up 12 Bibles for a buck each!
No, it wasn't a special deal I was able to wrangle with them, there was a cart with other Christian books for a dollar.
There was no way I could pass that up.
Sooooo...that puts our Bible count to 53 total, we broke the 50 mark. Just need to do that 20 more times...easy!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Just One Can...
"One person can save trees. Together, we can save forests. That's why we'd like to encourage everyone to switch from paper cups to reusable travel mugs. Check out Starbucks to see the thousands of people taking the pledge to make a difference."
"Join the movement. On April 15th, bring a mug to your local Starbucks and we'll give you a free brewed coffee. Bring in a mug any day, and get 10 cents off your beverage, anytime."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster
Jesus said, “Follow me.” And Foster clearly believes that we are to take this commandment literally. Pack your bags, or leave them by your feet, and hit the open (sometimes dangerous) road.
Citing the many wanderers of the Bible, including it’s most famous – Jesus – Charles contends that we are meant to wander, meant to travel, by foot…to follow Jesus.
For many of us, however, the question isn’t whether or not to follow Jesus, but to follow Jesus where?
The “where” as Charles reveals to us, isn’t important. As many make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem you can make one down your block. The miracles or spiritual awakening you hear about in Jerusalem can too be found right outside your door and down your street.
Though I have traveled quite a bit, I can’t say that I’ve ever been on a pilgrimage. As I read The Sacred Journey I couldn’t help but want to rush home, shove some things into a pack and hit the road. Where?
That’s the beauty: it doesn’t matter. If anything the “where” is only the excuse needed to get on the road. It’s on the road that is our true destination. It’s on the road where what we seek, we shall find. And if you think you can’t take a pilgrimage, you’re wrong. Everyday you can take one, even if it’s right around your block.
But be warned, Charles reminds us, we will be changed. Some of our friends and family will like the change, others will despise it. Either way, once you go on a pilgrimage you can’t go back on it, only back from it.
Foster doesn’t explicitly tell us what we will find, only what others have found, because each pilgrimage is for its own pilgrim. No matter what we find, it will make a lasting impression, far greater than any vacation or getaway.
Reviewers Note:
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
One thing, One day...which day? How about today!
Whatever you want to do, it's your choice.
Sing someone a song. Write a poem and tack it to a car windshield. Give a buck away. Buy a stranger a coffee.
But let's do SOMETHING today. Tomorrow? Never mind tomorrow.
Right now.
Your choice.
Let's do it together.
Let's do it today.
What did you do? What happened? Would you do it again?
Tell us.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Quilts for Kids
Visit the Quilts for Kids web site and click on How to Help. Here you can request that a quilt kit be sent to you. Your obligation is to make the quilt and send it back.
Just one more example of how just one person can do just one thing and still have a big impact on someone's life.
I've Just Got to Find Myself
We do not "find ourselves, our life" by pursuing it. We find it by losing it to something or someone greater than ourselves. We find our life by losing it to Jesus and the work of his Kingdom. ~Phil Ware
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Room for Doubt
Sunday, April 4, 2010
...and on the third day.
No special message.
Just enjoy the day.
And if you can, be sure to take a moment to be with the Lord...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Another One?
This time, we were able to get it up on our regular hosting site.
To listen to the 20+ min ramble CLICK HERE!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Only one way to preach?
"Preach the Gospel always. If necessary, use words."
I have recently heard it referenced in two different sermons, by two different pastors, at two different churches (yet, on the same day - thanks to podcasts).
Both pastors were not fans of the quote.
Both thought it was, in a word - stupid.
In a sense, they said, "well, duh, you have to use words to preach the Gospel."
But the more I think about it, the more I think they are missing the point of the quote. Are words the only way to preach the Gospel? About Jesus' message?
Can't actions do that as well...at least enough to pique someones interest to ask us?
Not legalistic, church going, Bible thumping action, ...but living in the footsteps of Jesus, action - the tough stuff.
Can, through our actions, even the day to day mundane stuff, the Gospel be preached?
Are words truly the only way to preach?
Or can actions speak as loud (or louder) than words?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Second Harvest is trying to raise 12million pounds worth of food in the month of March.
Well, as we all know, the month is coming to an end.
(for those of us in the Midwest we are laughing because we've been spared the usual March blizzard!)
I got an email from Second Harvest, as a final plea to help them reach their goal. In turn, I am asking you (even you casual/first time visitors) to help out.
For more, and better, information CLICK HERE
...are we to change, or be?
Lynn Hall, (Where Have All the Tigers Gone?)
I stole this quote from: Grandmasplace
It does beg the question: do we have to change, or should we just BE.
God make us a specific way. Perhaps our problem, our frustration (with ourselves) is not that we need to change ourselves, but that we are not BE-ing the way God built us to be.
For sure, certain things about us tend annoy people, or don't seem all that great. But might that be because we aren't using them correctly?
Case in point: I LOVE to debate. There was a time when I would debate anyone on any subject (even if I knew nothing of it). Sure, that would tick some people off. And for the most part (especially in politics) debate is like butting your head against the wall.
I had always wondered about this, dare I say NEED to debate. I mean, to this day, I literally have to bite my tongue to keep from getting into debates about politics.
Now, is that something I need to change? Perhaps.
Or perhaps, as God finally challenged me, I am to use that NEED, skill, to debate for/argue for God. For love. For others.
I believe there is something about us we do need to change: perspective.
Especially about ourselves.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Coffee Talk
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
(especially if God's doing the talking!)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Goal reached!
While she has reached her goal, there are other who haven't yet...so if you are so moved, please consider donating to another RFL Team/participant here: Relay For Life.
Thank you!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Share the love of reading.
Click here:http://www.halfpricebooks.com/half_pint_library.html for more information.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Just $20.00 MORE Needed...click there------->

I'm no salesman, nor am I too proud to beg!
Amanda needs only $20.00 more to reach her fundraising goal of $100.00 for the Relay for Life.
All it would take is one of you with 20 bucks, two of you with 10, three of you with 6.6666, four of you with 5, you get the point.
BUT...if you don't feel comfortable donating under Amanda, at least consider donating in general.
Thank you!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
First Official Podcast.
All comments, suggestions, etc. welcomed!
Be interesting to see how they look.
By the way, if you are interested...we have a handful of first edition Justoneministry.org bumper stickers if you are interested.
We'll send them out to you FREE. No catch.
Just email us at justoneministries@hotmail.com
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Book What...?
It's for Book Sneeze.
Book Sneeze combines two things I love:
1) Books
2) Free (stuff)
So, what's that got to do with the link?
Well, I signed up with them to get free books. In order to get free books, I have to promise to:
1) read the book
2)write a 200+ word review on the book. (see: adult book report)
3)post the review on my blog and a public shop (like Amazon)
Then I get to pick more free books.
Now, I have yet to go through this process (the book I've requested is on the way) so I haven't decided if this is a worthwhile deal.
My goal is to review one book a month (if I decide to continue) and the books I will choose to read will mostly be Christian in nature, or spirituality.
I will give nothing less than an honest review and AT LEAST two hundred words. They might be in a sentence form, but there will be AT LEAST 200 of them.
Just kidding.
If you'd like to know more, just click the link. (I DO NOT get any money from you clicking the link)
From what I can tell it's a legit deal...if it turns out otherwise, I will definitely let you know!
That being said, if you know of any issues/conflicts/problems please let me know!
Monday, March 22, 2010
2010 Relay For Life
We have posted a link on the sidebar to her donation page.
For those who may not know, Amanda's mother is a three-time cancer survivor, so this is a very peronal issue for Amanda.
She will be walking with the Hopkins JayCees team and is assisting in coordinating the theme and other fund raising efforts.
We will post updates periodically, so keep checking back.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Just One Can!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Our First Podcast!
It may sound a little choppy, sorry about that...it's a test one. There's no real information on it. It's more/less just to see if I know what I'm doing.
STW Bible Count Update...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
John Ortberg
Very good messages (in my humble opinion).
Check him out here: mppc
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Spread the Word Update!

The Bible is like a telescope. If a man looks through his telescope, then he sees worlds beyond; but if he looks at his telescope, then he does not see anything but that. The Bible is a thing to be looked through, to see that which is beyond. -- Phillips Brooks
I want to give a (very) belated THANK YOU to my folks for their more than helpful donation to Spread the Word.
We are currently up to 25 Bibles - not bad for not even being a month into the drive!
Thank you again!
All You Can Eat!
Monday, March 8, 2010
What's Your Donkey?
Sort of.
A new outreach (in blog form) for the younger folks!
Check us out! (there's a link under the What's Your Donkey? page above)
Let us know what you think!
Mr. Rogers Moment
Sunday, March 7, 2010
We hope this will help with updates and keep information "fresh."
Thank you!
A new day
One Year Down!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Priceless Relationship

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Seek and ye shall find!
Quite a bit actually.
I was able to get 4 complete Bibles. (one of which is for kids)
I also picked up 5 New Testaments. (one is an Air Force one, from 1955. Another is a very old copy, but has no date)
I ALSO found a book called: The Day Christ Died by Jim Bishop (1957). It is a telling of that last day, starting from 6am - should be an interesting read.
So there we have it, the Bible drive is well on its way now!
Where did they go?
Usually, you can find more than a handful of Bibles at the thrift store...but not last night. I was unable to procure one!
Perhaps with Easter closing in, there might be a run on them anyway - which is just as good in my opinion!
Well, at least I know I can still pick up a few at the dollar store...for just a dollar!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Financial Page updated
Current Balance as of 3-1-10: $212.98
Kuddles for Kids
Like anything we wish to change in life it starts out with just one ______.
Way to take that first step!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Outreaches to launch soon!
Pieces and Prayers
Spread the Word
Pieces and Prayers is an outreach that provides lap quilts to folks in nursing homes, shelters, or anywhere a “warm fuzzy” is needed.
Currently, Pieces and Prayers is working on 100 lap quilts for the Lake Mills Care Center. If you would like to help, please contact us!
Spread the Word is a Bible recycling program. Our goal will be to collect previously “loved” Bibles and distribute them (free of charge) to various organization, ministries, etc. To help “Spread the Word.”
Again, a few details need to be figured out, but we are excited and hopeful for these outreaches.
If you have a program or outreach let us know!
No matter how “big” or “small” God loves them all.
Friday, February 19, 2010
J.O.M. - A step on the path...
Their "Just One _____" that makes a difference in our world.
There is no "big" or "small" when it comes to making a difference. We will never know the impact we can make on one person, even the world, by doing Just One act for even one person.
If we should trust and know anything, it's that God does not think small. What we think might be the littlest act of kindness can cause a ripple.
There's enough bad news out there - We here at JOM would like to offset this bad news with news of hope and good ol' fashioned L-O-V-E, in all it's forms and this is one way we can do that.
And, if possible, we would like to discover ways to help or at the very least encourage people and their project, act, or giving to make a difference.
If you know of someone that is making a difference, please let us know at: Justoneministries@hotmail.com
Thursday, February 18, 2010
J.O.M. - Finding Direction
Okay, the specifics aren't even visible (at the moment) but the motivation is there so is the "general idea."
As things progress, we will keep you updated!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
"Friendship With God" - Final thoughts
The ultimate point of FWG is to bring to light the "New Gospel."
So what is the "New Gospel?"
"...There is no master race. There is no greatest nation. There is no one true religion. There is no inherently perfect philosophy. There is no always right political party, morally supreme economic system, or one and only way to Heaven....Only one truth will save you: WE ARE ALL ONE."
Just before this "God" says, "There are a thousands paths to God, and every one gets you there."
"God" also says, there is no BETTER way, only ANOTHER way.
The New Gospel...yeah, I can see how that got him into some hot water with some folks...
There is a lot of talk about love, in the book. God's love and how we think that it manifests itself.
"You have been taught of a God who is jealous, who has enormous expectations, and who is so needy that if His love for you is unrequited, He'll punish you with everlasting damnation."
Thus this God we have been taught this about, has worked out a deal: "...if you love Me, I'll let you into heaven. If you don't love me, I won't."
That last part, really kind of hits home to me.
Isn't that what we are told? Believe in Jesus, LOVE Jesus, love God, and you will get into heaven.
God loves us soooooo much, that he's willing to make a deal with us.
Now, that may be how WE love each other.
Our love may have expectations - but does love? Do you love someone because of what you can get, expect, and bargain for with them?
As a parent, do you love your child(ren) so much you can't think of anything they could do that would cause them to lose your love?
Walsch's "God" also says, "You imagine that I am a God who has needs - among them, the need to have you love me. (Now, some of your churches have sought to describe this as not having a need for you r love, but merely a desire for it."
Yep, I've heard that...God wants us to love him, trust him, God desires a relationship with him...yet -
(Here's comes the interesting point.)
"Yet is a "desire" not a "need" if I am willing to torture you for all eternity if I don't get it."
"You have been told...I will not accept your love in any way, shape, or form than that in which I demand it."
And finally, (here, not in the book) "God" talks about freedom of loving him or not. I can't find the exact quotes, when I do, I'll put them in.
In essence, God says that true love and GIVING freedom means there is no consequence. Thus, if we do not love him, or accept Jesus, we are condemned to hell, that doesn't make us "free" to choose but only "able" to choose.
Certainly there are some interesting things to ponder.
Do I think God spoke to Walsch?
I don't think he's crazy and I don't think it's satan.
So that leaves: yes or no.
and if it's no: is he lying?
Well, it's at the very least a thought provoking lie.
Heck, I did my own "God Chats" and well...
Friday, February 12, 2010
God Chat tid-bits...
(we were chatting about this that and the other thing...writing mainly and this came up) God's in Blue.
What about the ministry?
What about it?
Where's it going? Feels like nowhere.
You will never know all the impact you have, and will, make on others. (this goes for) Everyone. If you could see it, know it...
You don't think BIG enough. (I took this to mean depth if not more than size of thinking)
You say I'm so big, but expect so little of me. (meaning, we don't believe he will come through, or not through enough - lack of faith)
We did some back and forth about other stuff, which I didn't get down. But I did get this:
Sometimes I feel I was meant for something more than this.
You all are. It's sad how little you expect of yourselves (we don't think we can accomplish much) and how little you will allow yourselves. It does nobody any good. That is NOT being humble. Thinking down on yourself accomplishes nothing but keeping you down.
But why are there pastors, teachers, ministers, etc. that tell us otherwise?
They don't. Not all of them. For those that do teach that way, their reasons vary and are personal. Some are misguided or have been mislead themselves. Sometime, YOU miss hear, or misunderstand their message - your own internal bias. If there are two sides to a message, you might "hear" it the way you want to hear it: them being down. When really, they are not.
So there you have it...more God Chats.
Take them how you will.
I suppose I will continue to post them here, take a step of faith as it were...to become more fearless.
Since Mom and Sis are picking words of the year I think I'll pick mine too.
I'm in Heaven!
At the moment I'm doing what I NEVER thought I'd ever do...I'm on our laptop in a Caribou.
Gotta kill some time today as Angel has to work a bit. That's okay, I can get some stuff done or not!
I guess there's an ice fishing tournament here on Saturday...
(and if you thinking we're going to skip out of our Pizza Ranch Buffet, you are wrong!)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The only thing to fear...
We fear a lot...
Some big fears...some little fears.
Many of our fears hold us back.
Hold us back from our best.
Somehow we think that if we "hunker" down and not take a chance that it will alleviate our fear. Wrong.
It only makes fear stronger.
Only by going through our fears to we get rid of them. Give in to one fear (no matter how small) it'll be that much easier to give into another.
Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of ridicule...etc.
Fear to Dream.
I am a Dreamer...I have come to realize that. I think we all are.
I used to think that it was bad to be a Dreamer...not "adult" enough, not "level headed"...not "mature."
But I can't help it...the more I fight it, the more the Dreamer in me kicks and screams and throws a tantrum.
Okay, I'm rambling...
The Better Half had a great goal for this year - To Live Fearless.
To which I say: Why Not?
The only thing we have to fear........
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
My "Conversation" with God...
I decided to give it a shot yesterday. And...
It was an interesting experience. Hard to describe.
What I did was allow myself to be available for God to speak. I did this in silence, as I wanted no disruption and complete attention.
Then I asked questions. (I did this by writing the question down in a notebook, then writing the response I was given)
I will divulge this much: There are still (I'm guessing always will be) hang ups that I have. Mainly these hang-ups come from stuff in the Bible.
The message I was given, was not to worry about them...some things we just won't fully understand (in the Bible) or understand at all. There were more important things to do than to "waste" time pondering these issues.
Someday some might be answered, but most likely many of them won't be - until, you know when.
One more thing.
"Spend time with me," I was told.
I knew what he meant by that, and that was cool.
And he "made" me make a promise with him with something I had to do last night...and yes, I kept it!
Final thought of the experience?
Give it a shot.
Be still and listen...
...and be ready!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Make your own God!
A warning, an admonishment, a scolding sometimes: that we "might" make our own God, or that we will "make" God into what we want him to be.
I always wondered: might they (the ones who sound the warning) be making God into who they want HIM to be?
Some folks seem to be all about a hellfire and brimstone God. The God of the Old Testament. A God we are to fear.
Fear does not breed love, however. You cannot truly love what you fear. Never. Love has no fear.
Some folks like a God of "if it feels good, do it."
This has the danger of selfishness. All about "ME" and searching for outside sources for our happiness.
That goes the same with the "Health and Prosperity" God that is sometimes preached.
Which, in my view, turns God into nothing short of a vending machine.
No doubt, whatever our view of God is - He is infinitely better than that.
There is no way I could "dream up" a better God than He is...Better doesn't exist for God. God Is. "I Am," He said.
But, could we really go way off base about who we think God is?
Would we really do such a poor job at it? (not that it would really matter, obviously)
Oh, maybe some people could - but that would be more of a reflection of who they are than who God is.
Maybe that's the crux of the issue. Perhaps a persons view of God reflects more about who they are, who they think "they" are, how they view themselves...because some people have a very sad view of God.
Has anyone ever told us to think about it? To "create" our own God?
Why not?
If we do it, might there be a danger that we "create" the wrong God?
Sure, I guess so, but I would think, hope, that if we are true and loving, God would at least give a hint if we are on the right track or not.
Cults would be the drastic example of what "could" go wrong...but remember, cults are about the so-called-leader of the cult, not about God. They are about power, not love. (I'm not using cult here in the scientific sociological sense - but the "wacko" sense)
But might we not get a better understanding of God if were to take a moment to think about how we would "create" a God?
Might not God reveal something to us...if anything, it could be a way to "discover" a new perspective of God.
Besides, it's just for fun, don't take it too seriously.
Take a moment to make your own god. How would he be? What would he expect? What would he require, if anything?
If the Bible didn't exist and God came to you and said, "How do you want me to be?"
What would you say? What would you tell him?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Just "BE"...
They are with all of us.
We THINK we need to change, we sometimes are even told that. We just need to BE. The rest will fall into place. God made each and every one of us a certain way, a different way, a unique way...that's exactly the way he wanted it to be!
We are NOT to be all alike...all of our difference, different views, perspectives, thoughts, lifestyles, likes/dislikes are to be shared and used and enjoyed with each other.
Most times, though, we use these differences against each other.
Sometimes we think we need to "find" ourselves. I don't think that's the case. I think we need to accept ourselves, to re-discover even.
My goal is to Just Be.
Try it...see what happens.
Be with yourself...
Be yourself.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Friendship With God - Done.
A few thoughts: an interesting read. "God" said quite a bit of thought provoking things. I am going to go through it one more time. I have found by reading a book that is thought provoking at least twice through (back to back) the information gels together better and a clearer understanding of the author's intent is attained.
That said, perhaps I can address (in part) the issue of whether or not Walsch's book is actually God speaking to him, through him, as Walsch claims and "believes." (I do not know the man, so I have no idea about what he truly believes or not.)
For now, this is what I will say.
Walsch is either:
1. Telling the truth - God really did speak to him and have him write these books.
2. Lying - God never spoke to him, these are just his writings and thoughts only, there was no divine involvement.
3. Crazy - Walsch believes God is talking to him, but it's really the voice in his head that he interprets as God.
4. Mistaken - It isn't God that's talking to him, but Satan posing as God.
Maybe there's more, but those are the four I can come up with now.
I can, with certainty, address number 3.
No. Walsch isn't "crazy" or mentally ill - at least not in respects to the books. Folks with mental illness that "hear" God's voice (or other voices for that matter) don't do so in such an organized manner. I could get into further description here, but you'll have to take my word for it. The thought process (that is evident in the book) is not a reflection of mental illness. Without divulging too much - yes, I do have experience working with people with mental illnesses. While I am not a doctor, I am very familiar with the behaviors of folks with mental illness. Especially on a day-to-day basis and daily living.
So, that leaves us with: God is talking to Walsch, Satan is talked to Walsch, or Walsch is lying.
I will reserve my own judgement until I am finished reading the book the second time through.
As always, thoughts are welcome...